Page 2 of Hunt Me

“What happened?”

“Why do you assume something happened?”


“It was slow. Natalia said I could cut out early.” Her tone makes it clear I’ve insulted her, which would have made me feel bad if I didn’t have good reason to assume the worst. Kendall’s always trying to sweet-talk me into … more.

More time out with friends. More shopping. More dates.

It’s exhausting. Or maybe that’s just life in general. Either way, I’m tired.

“I have a meeting with a client,” I say pointedly when she doesn’t answer. “Is there something you wanted?”

“Okay, hear me out before you say no?—”


“I said hear me out,” she protests.

“Fine. What?”

“A guy from school invited me out?—”

“What guy?”

“Chase Lanson. And before you say anything, he’s an elf,” she says, “nothing I can’t handle.” I roll my eyes at that. My sister thinks her ability to see the future makes her invincible. But her abilities are hardly accurate, and she has a lot more training to do before they will be. “Anyway, he invited me out for live music, and the place is right next to the bar you’ll be at, so I thought maybe I can meet up with him while you’re working and?—”

“How the hell do you know what bar I’ll be at?” I hiss at her, ducking into an alley and glancing around to make sure no one can hear me.

“I pay attention,” she says as if it’s easy to find out such covert details about a secret assassin’s calendar.


My sister is smart as hell, but she has zero life experience, and it shows.

“Kendall, you can’t be anywhere near that bar tonight,” I say.

“Fine. I can tell him to meet somewhere else.”

“No.” I pinch the bridge of my nose to ward off a stress headache. “I don’t want you out at all.”

“Tor, you don’t want me to go out any night.”

“Exactly. You’re sixteen,” I tell her.

“Almost seventeen?—”

“—and you have school to think about.”

“I’m top of my class. And Natalia says I’m making good progress with her lessons.”

I shake my head. “Dating will only distract you from your future plans.”

“What plans?” she fires back. “I don’t even know what I want to do.”

“That’s my point.”

She sighs. “You’re impossible.”