Page 145 of Hunt Me

Maricha is silent as she thinks it over.

Uziah looks at her, and when she glances at him, he shrugs. “Works for me. It’s not like he can touch her anyway.”

Maricha looks back at me, clearly unconvinced. “You expect me to rely on nothing but your honor?”

I shake my head at her. “You can’t comprehend it because you have no honor of your own. But if that’s not enough, I will let you carve one of your symbols into my skin. Use it to command me whatever you wish from now until dawn.”

Maricha’s eyes gleam. Her runes are powerful, but they are temporary thanks to supernatural healing. If they lasted, she might have preferred them over the blood vow as they are much more twisted in their compulsions. Offering her this is something she won’t refuse.

“Whatever I wish?” Her lips curve, and I know she’s going to agree. “All right. One single night together with my mark.” She takes out her knife, its curved tip catching the light so it gleams with dark promises. “Come. Let us begin.”

Chapter 39


Ihover between sleep and awake for what feels like hours though it could have been minutes or days. Time has no meaning in this place, not with my thoughts darkening toward defeat. I strain to hear some sign of life outside my cell, but the walls mute everything. Either that, or they’ve abandoned me, and I’m dying a slow, lonely death.

The clang of the outer door opening jerks me fully awake. With shallow breaths, I stir, straining to make out the figures entering the cavern. The pain of Maricha’s marking has begun to ease some, so I sit straighter, leaning forward with a grunt.

I see guards first. Crimson Roses if I had to guess, and sure enough, when they step closer to the iron bars, I see the tattoos marking them as such. Maricha comes next, the hatred burning in her gaze making my stomach clench. Unbidden, my eyes dart to her hands and then her clothes, searching for those twisted knives she likes so much.

Maybe she’s back to carve into me some more. The thought has me tensing and bracing for a fight. But then Maricha moves aside, and I see a face so familiar and welcome that I ache at the sight of him.

“Legion,” I say, disbelief mingling with relief.

He watches me with a tight expression, a storm roiling in his eyes as he takes me in. My heart lurches, everything in me reaching for him.

“Open the door,” Maricha orders, holding out a key she produces from her own pocket. One of the guards steps forward to unlock my cell.

I have no idea what’s happening, but Legion’s calmness steadies me. Still, I manage to climb to my feet, gritting my teeth against the discomfort of my stiff limbs being forced to move again. The symbol carved into my middle protests, but I ignore it, eyes locked on my mate.

As soon as the door swings open, he steps into my cell.

My eyes widen as Maricha nods at the guard and he swings the door shut, locking it and handing the key back to Legion’s mother.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“We’re roommates,” Legion says as if we’re not both being locked in a dungeon. As if we’re sharing an apartment rather than a prison cell.

“Remember your vow,” Maricha warns him.

“Remember yours,” he growls at her.

“What vow?” I ask.

“We’re spending the night together,” Legion tells me.

“And tomorrow, you will conquer the realm in my name,” Maricha reminds him.

“Our name,” Uziah adds.

“Conquer which realm?” I ask warily. And why was she giving Legion a gift like this?

“Yours,” Legion says after a beat.

I stare at him, realizing he’s serious. The entire Earth realm? Is that possible?

“In the meantime, enjoy your evening,” Maricha says, clearly not interested in catching me up on her plans. Her eyes gleam with a sick enjoyment. “If you can.”