Page 126 of Hunt Me


I start toward the trees, determined to find him and end this once and for all, but then he speaks again. “My men will have caught her by now. Pledge yourself to me now, or it’ll be too late for her.”

I stop.

Panic replaces the cooling adrenaline in my veins, spurring me back toward the road. I shift as I run, clutching my sword in my teeth. The moment my wings appear, I take to the skies, racing after my mate. She can hate me all she wants as long as she’s alive to do it.

Chapter 32


My eyes blur with tears so badly that I lose sight of the road. This cannot be happening. I’d just begun to let myself trust Legion, to think he was someone I might have a future with, and now all that trust is shattered. It hurts so much more than I want to admit, but there’s no turning it off. Hot tears continue to fall until I’m blinded by them. With a jerk of the wheel, I brake hard and pull off to the side of the road until I can regain control.

Kendall is my priority now.

I have to find us a safe place to go. Because I damn sure won’t be staying at the Keep. But there’s also nowhere else safe for us in either realm. Another wave of tears threatens as I realize how truly alone I am in all this. Without Legion…

It’s only me against the entire force of the Crimson Roses.

My bravado toward Uziah was just that. We both know he won’t stop coming for me. This was never about the female I accidentally killed outside that bar. It was about using me to get what he wanted. It’s almost refreshing to see that he’s dropped his act of pretending to care about me or look out for me. At least, all his cards are on the table now. Unfortunately, that card just so happens to be death.

My spiraling thoughts are interrupted as something heavy bangs against the roof of the car. I shriek, flinching and trying to see what hit me. The car’s frame creaks as whatever it is moves off the car onto the pavement beside me.

Through the window, I see a very large, very angry-looking vampire. A rose tattoo peeks out from beneath his shirt, wrapping around his thick neck. He stares me down for a long moment as my heart races and adrenaline pumps.

With my hands in my lap, I pull my gloves off and prepare to do whatever I can to touch him without getting myself killed in the process.

Slowly, heart pounding, I climb out of the car, knowing I have a better chance if I go on the offensive. If I drive off, he’ll just peel the car apart like a fucking onion. The vamp’s eyes gleam like his job just got a whole lot easier.

“My touch is lethal,” I tell him, hoping the knowledge will at least slow him down.

He snorts. “Mine is worse, bitch.”

I force my expression to remain unmoved. “You sure you want to test it?”

A blur of movement approaches, and a second later, three more vamps have joined the first.


My odds just went from bad to impossible.

I reach for the door handle, prepared to get back in and make a run for it. If I can make it to the portal, maybe the guards will grant me asylum into Tartarus?—

A loud wind rushes in, scattering leaves and whipping branches. Above, something dark blots out the light. A screech splits the air, and I know exactly what sort of monster is descending.

Legion is a demon-eyed dragon wrapped in fury.

He lands with chunks of lava leaking from his mouth, dripping onto the pavement where it melts the asphalt instantly.

The vamps’ eyes widen.

The larger one who arrived first hardens his expression and plants his feet. “Rip his throat out,” the vamp orders to the others. “We’ll see how easily he spits fire then.”

The vamps attack quickly, each of them trying and failing to pierce Legion’s scales. The dragon’s tail swings out, knocking the men off their feet.

The larger one turns away from them and stalks toward me.

I reach for the car door, but he’s too fast, slamming it closed again and breathing against my ear. “You smell delicious, little fae. Let’s see how you taste.”