Page 123 of Hunt Me

“The vampires you have come to know in your modern world are not like me,” Uziah says, though his attention remains on Legion. “I am much older than this realm. Created by the primordial magic of the first portal to connect the realms. I sustain myself on life force. In this world, in this age, I do that with blood. But I am not the same as these other creatures. I am Timeless. I am a First One. Raw power runs in my blood. And yours, boy.”

Legion is silent beside me.

I have no idea if he believes this nonsense, but I refuse to pretend he’s telling the truth. “This is crazy. You have zero proof to back up anything you’re saying. You’re the leader of a gang, for hell’s sake.”

Rather than contradict my words, he looks me up and down, noting my covered skin. “Hiding your best gifts, I see. Nothing has changed then.”

“Your men killed my friend,” I say, anger spearing through me. “And an innocent kid. Don’t deny it was you. I saw the rose.”

“I’m not denying anything.”

“After assuring me you had nothing to do with the Roses who put the bounty on me,” I say with disgust. “You pretended to help me, offered me that deal to hunt down the one who did this in exchange for my survival. The whole thing was a setup. You betrayed me. Betrayed my father’s trust in you.”

His eyes flash with the first hint of anger. “Your father understood business comes first. Something you do not. Though, I must say I appreciate your willingness to mix business with pleasure.” He glances at Legion. “You’ve gone and brought my true quarry right to my doorstep.”

Confusion clouds my anger. “How could you possibly know I’d meet Legion? Much less bring him to you?”

“From the moment you came to me with poisoned skin, I recognized the signs,” Uziah says.

“The signs?” I echo, still trying to understand how he made the connection.

“Tell me how to break the curse,” Legion says.

“You know I can’t do that.” Uziah looks at Legion with a hunger that lacks any trace of humanity. Like Legion is nothing more than an object to obtain.

“I don’t understand,” I say, “How does Uziah know—” but Legion interrupts.

“You wanted me; I’m here,” he snarls. “Now let her go and call off the bounty.” He turns to me and adds, “Drive to the portal. The guards will get Klyn and he’ll?—”

“Legion, no,” I start, but Uziah interrupts.

“One condition,” the vampire says.

“Name it,” Legion snaps.

“Give me your blood oath.”

“What?” I say at the same time Legion snarls, “No.”

Something passes between the two men that I don’t understand, but there’s no time to ask.

“It’s time to leave.” Legion grabs me, yanking me toward the door at our backs.

Confused, I let him pull me along, glancing back at Uziah. He stands alone in the dark club, watching us go, though I highly doubt there aren’t hordes of Crimson Roses waiting in the wings. Still, we can’t just leave without finishing this.

At the door, I plant my feet and wrench my arm out of Legion’s grasp. “What are you doing? We can’t walk away,” I hiss. “He’ll just keep coming after us—and killing innocents.”

“We’ll find another way,” Legion says, his voice strained.

“Your mother sends her best, you know.”

Uziah’s voice rings out, and I watch as Legion stiffens. He looks back at Uziah, a flicker of concern flashing in his blazing eyes. My shock leaves me speechless, but not Legion. In fact, he doesn’t look surprised at all.

“Where is she?” Legion asks warily.

“She ran an errand,” Uziah says, his smile smug. “She’ll be so pleased to see you. We’ve spent eons waiting for that portal to open.”

“We?” Legion echoes dubiously.