Page 114 of Hunt Me

For a harrowing moment, my stomach lurches into my throat, and a silent scream sticks in my open mouth as we freefall. Slowly, I realize we’re not falling exactly as Legion angles us so that we’re coasting slowly downward.


The effect on my stomach is the same either way.

My hands grip tightly to the raised scales as I try very hard not to throw up. My body tilts as his scales suddenly become slick with the moisture in the air. Panic slams into me as I imagine myself sliding right off his back and plummeting to the ground.

In the midst of my panic, he levels out his body, pointing his nose straight ahead. On either side, his wings beat powerfully once, twice, and then we’re soaring. As the minutes tick by, thrill replaces fear, though I’m not sure I’m ready to admit, even to myself, that I might actually like flying.

And I certainly don’t plan to admit it to him.

Sooner than I expect, he banks gently as we near the ground again. Up ahead, is an open hillside that slopes up toward a castle that’s even larger than Legion’s estate. A wall wraps around it, but the gate in the front stands open, and even from here, I can see a small amount of foot traffic passing in and out of the gate.

On the left, a small portion of the wall has been demolished. I realize this must be Caius’ castle. The explosion Reagan mentioned left its mark.

Legion lands on the hillside with surprising grace. I do my best to match that grace as I climb down, but in the end, I’m just lucky not to fall on my ass. My knees are a bit weak from the adrenaline, so I’m glad for the moment to collect myself as Legion wanders off to shift again.

When I look up, he’s pulling on a pair of pants I didn’t even know he had. My gaze snags on the perfect V of his hips just before he pulls the waist up and buttons them. I look up and find him watching me. Again, thank the gods for this stupid mask. And the wind for carrying off my scent, hopefully.

“You okay?” he asks, infuriatingly smug.

“Where did you get the clothes?” I can’t help but ask.

“I carried them in my teeth. You were probably too distracted by me taking them off in the first place to notice.”

I do my best not to react to how right he is. “Let’s go.”

I stalk off down the hill, but Legion’s large hand wraps around my arm, and he pulls me to the left, chuckling.

“This way.”

“The portal is over there,” I say. “I remember coming through it when we arrived.”

“Yes, but we’re going to make a stop first.”

“What kind of stop?”

“You’ll see.”

I have no choice but to keep up with his brisk pace. By the time we reach the bottom of the hill, the people nearby begin to notice us. Soldiers mostly. Some in uniform, some not—but they all pause to salute Legion.

I get several weird looks thanks to my face covering, but I don’t dare take it off with so many others around. The closer we get to the large building looming ahead, the more nervous I become at the idea of a crowded space.

When Legion holds open the door for me to enter, I hesitate.

“What’s wrong?” he asks.

“Everyone will stare,” I whisper.

He pins me with a look that’s both fierce and comforting as he says, “Let them.”

I step through the door, and Legion follows, grabbing my gloved hand as he takes the lead down the hallway. On both sides, we pass doors, some of them open but most closed. The ones that are open offer a glimpse into an office, each of them empty, which makes sense considering how early it is.

Near the far end, an open doorway leads to a large conference room, but Legion doesn’t stop until we come to the main doors. There, a large reception area features a high counter, and behind it, a male in uniform springs to his feet at the sight of us.

“General.” He salutes Legion, casting me a wary look.

“At ease, Whitman,” Legion says. “Where’s Klyn?”