‘Why do you look so uncomfortable? That’s got to be cool, right? Oh, that’s why you didn’t need a reading from Connie. You can do your own then or something?’

Melanie looked relieved, and Paige felt worse.

‘Am I missing something? What’s wrong?’ Melanie rightly asked and Paige didn’t know what to say. ‘Why not tell me sooner, I mean it’s not like a big deal or anything, is it?’

Well, no, it wouldn’t have been if it hadn’t been broken. Paige strongly suspected it had been broken so she couldn’t interfere with her own love life. She suspected that her gut instinct, mojo or whatever had taken a holiday so she could meet and develop strong feelings for the person right in front of her. The same person who had fixed her, and knew absolutely nothing about it. The person who had shared so much, who continued to share so much, and who Paige had shared with so little. Her gran was right and Paige felt like hell. All together it was not going to make her look great. But Paige would not run scared. Again. Like Connie had always said, if something needs saying then say it.

She looked around and realised there was only one person that could help her out now.

‘Soph!’ Paige shouted.

They waited until Sophie approached the bar.

‘I need you to cover for me for a minute?’

‘OK but I’ve been drinking.’

‘You were always drinking on the job, why would this be any different?’ Paige said as Sophie ran round to get behind the bar.

‘Can you come with me for a minute?’ Paige turned and asked Melanie.

Melanie swallowed before answering, ‘Sure.’ And Paige felt even worse for making Melanie feel like something was wrong. But something was wrong and a conversation, or rather several conversations were a little overdue.

And then they were walking up the stairs to her flat and Paige could honestly say she had no idea how this was going to go, her mojo having left her once again.

‘Sit down. Please,’ Paige said. Great start there by barking out orders.

Melanie sat on the edge of the sofa. ‘What’s going on? What aren’t you telling me?’

‘A few things. But not on purpose. I’m not sure where to begin.’

Melanie sat and waited but her posture had stiffened, her facial expression overly poised.

‘So yeah, I have a strong gut instinct, an intuition. I’m not psychic but my gut instinct, well Connie calls it my doodah. I call it mojo. It sounds like a bigger deal than it is. Well, except I lost it. And it made me very grumpy. And I figured out it had something to do with you.’


‘Erm yeah, I’m not explaining myself very well and I’m sorry because I should have said this sooner. But honestly it just . . . We’ve just happened so fast. I just . . . Yeah, well, remember I was grumpy when we first started bumping into each other?’

Melanie’s eyebrow raised. ‘Hard to forget.’

‘Yeah, well, I was grumpy because I’d lost that part of me. But finally it’s back, I think because of you. And hopefully you can see I’ve been a lot less grumpy lately.’

‘Right,’ Melanie said slowly.

‘There’s more.’


If Paige’s gut instinct was working it would have been blaring at her that this was not going as smoothly as she thought.

‘The other thing is I’ve not really been as open with you as I could have been, as I would like to be. I want to be. But it’s not easy for me. As you can tell.’ Paige let out a sad little laugh. ‘The app,’ she continued.

‘What app?’ Melanie asked, her tone sharp.

‘The one you use to organise everything. Well, I don’t think you meant to, but you gave me full access.’

‘I gave you access, of course. You needed it for the art project. I told you that, you’ve been working on the list, updating it.’