Page 43 of Keep Me Daddy

Tomorrow would be a new day, and the night was made for drinking…

Chapter 19


The music was pumping, the studio lights were set to a stronger power-level than existed on the face of the sun, and Benji was struggling to maintain any kind of enthusiasm.

With Tucker making Benji make content clip after content clip, the words coming out of Benji’s mouth were becoming totally meaningless. This wasn’t about Benji’s passion for food now, it was just nothing more than empty content.

But with Tucker barking orders and a couple of Tucker’s hangers on milling around, Benji very much felt outnumbered. Any indication of rebellion on Benji’s part wouldn’t have been a good idea. Benji simply didn’t feel like he had any power or any control over what was going on.

The feeling of having no control sucked. But Benji felt like he was all out of options – he had to follow Tucker’s instructions and simply hope that the nightmare would end sooner rather than later.

Just keep going.

Keep smiling.

Hold back the tears…

Benji was putting a brave face on things, and that was an understatement. The schedule was more punishing than ever, and it felt to Benji like he was making content non-stop.

But worse than that, it didn’t even feel like he was making content for himself. All the work felt like it was for Tucker. The fact that it was Benji in the videos, Benji’s name on the YouTube and TikTok channels was just a side-issue. For all intents and purposes, this was about making money for Tucker.

In truth, Benji was hating every single second.

But Benji knew that he had to keep on going and doing exactly what Tucker wanted otherwise Tucker might never give him access to his finances again. By being a good boy now, Benji figured that Tucker might trust him again in the future.

The reality was the Benji was terrified that Tucker might simply permanently shut him out of his own bank accounts. Benji had heard about things like this happening to other content makers before. The horror stories were enough to make anyone scared.

Benji felt alone and totally isolated.

While Benji wanted to reach out to Harrison, he was scared of how Harrison might react. Benji had told Harrison in the note that he was only going away for a couple of days. But it had been over four days now and he hadn’t returned.

Harrison could have given up on him.

Or worse, Benji worried that Harrison could have met someone new to take his place.

This might have seemed over the top to think like this in any other situation, but Benji didn’t understand why Harrison hadn’t simply driven to the city to find him. After all, weren’t Daddy Doms supposed to be all super-protective and possessive?

‘Hmmm, if Harrison is my Forever Daddy, then why isn’t here with me now?’ Benji said, snuggling up to Zozo on a brief break from filming. ‘Why does nothing make sense anymore?’

It was at this point that Tucker walked into the room. He looked angry. With his brand-new diamond earring flashing under the studio light and his gold watch looking equally flashy, Tucker was quite obviously enjoying spending the money that Benji had earned himself.

‘Break’s nearly over,’ Tucker said, his voice cold and flat. ‘We’ve got a lot to get through and I want you to bring your A-game this time. No half-assing it. Got it?’

‘Y-y-yes, Tucker,’ Benji said. ‘Please can I have a juice box? I’m thirsty.’

‘Fine, don’t say I never do anything for you!’ Tucker replied, his mock anger coming off as cruel and taunting. ‘I’ll be back in a moment.’

As Tucker left the room, Benji noticed that Tucker had left Benji’s phone on the shelf. Tucker had been looking after Benji’s cellphone during filming and seemed reluctant to hand it back.

Benji decided that this was his chance.

Tucker would be back with the juice box in a few minutes, so if Benji wanted to send some messages to Harrison and his Little friends, now was the time to do it.

Benji sprung up from the couch and grabbed his phone. Benji’s first instinct was to message Harrison, but he was worried that he might make a fool of himself or say the wrong thing.

I don’t want Harrison thinking I’m some dumb Little.