Page 31 of Keep Me Daddy

‘Now, be good boys and eat your fruit first,’ Harrison said. ‘Max and I need to make sure our boys get their nutrients.’

‘But cookies more fun!’ Benji said, pouting as he fiddled with the sliced apples.

‘Watch it, young man,’ Harrison retorted, crouching down to Benji’s level. ‘This might be a playdate, but you still need to be a good boy. And I will pull that romper off and toss you over me knee if I have to…’

‘Yes, Daddy,’ Benji said, blushing and putting a slice of apple in his mouth. ‘I like apple now…’

‘Good boy,’ Harrison replied, standing up next to Max. ‘Isn’t it incredible how the threat of a sore bottom can motivate a boy?’

‘Sure is,’ Max laughed, slapping his hand on Harrison’s shoulder. ‘Me and Louie know all about that kind of motivation, don’t we boy?’

‘Hehe, yes Daddy,’ Louie said, covering his face with his hands before gobbling up some sweet strawberry slices. ‘I’m a good Little.’

‘Hmmm, yes you are,’ Max replied, exchanging a quick look with Harrison. ‘Well, most of the time…’

And with that, Harrison and Max walked out of the playroom and back into the kitchen together, no doubt to talk about all the Daddy things they could think of.

As far as Benji and Louie were concerned though, it was time to keep on snacking and then build the best Lego spaceship they possibly could.

Benji might have only just met Louie and his Daddy Max, but he could already tell that he wanted to have a double playdate again very soon indeed. And the idea of introducing Louie to his other Little friends was the cherry on top of the cake – soon enough, Benji would have a whole gang of Littles to hang out and have fun with.

‘This is so fun,’ Benji said, getting down onto all fours and investigating the spaceship at close range. ‘I’m so glad you came over.’

‘Me too,’ Louie replied, giggling as he took his stuffie and pretended he was a mischievous space monster. ‘Let’s keep playing before our Daddies come back and try to make us go sleepies.’

And with that, Benji and Max played to their hearts’ content.

But if Benji or Max thought that they could get away with no naptime, then they were both sorely mistaken…

Benji rubbed his eyes and looked up toward the sight of both Harrison and Max standing over him.

‘Daddy… I’m… still not tired…’ Benji said, barely able to suppress his yawn.

‘M-M-M-Me neither Daddy,’ Louie said, barely able to talk as he lay flat on his back next to Benji. ‘We’re big Littles. We can stay up all night…’

‘Yes, we don’t need sleepies,’ Benji said, slurring his words a little.

‘Okay, okay, we’ve got two very tired Littles here, don’t we Max?’ Harrison asked, a big smile on his face. ‘I say we give them their milkies and send them off to Snoozetown.’

‘I wholeheartedly agree, brother,’ Max replied, kneeling down and scooping Louie up in his arms. ‘Come on my darling little boy, it’s time for your milk.’

‘And you’re coming with me too,’ Harrison said, kneeling and taking Benji in his arms. ‘You two boys have had a wonderful time playing, now the pair of you can have a nap together. But first we need to fill your tummies with warm milk.’

Benji knew it was pointless in trying to protest and ask for more playtime.

The reality was that he was all done and ready to suckle down the milk and let nature takes its course. Playing with Louie had been super-fun, but even the most energetic Little needed a nap, and that was most certainly the case with both Benji and Louie too.

‘Daddy, fank eeeew,’ Benji said as he snuggled up in Harrison’s lap. ‘I had a wicked cool time with Louie.’

‘I knew you would,’ Harrison replied, a look of love in his eyes as he twisted the cap on the milk bottle to reveal the yellow teat. ‘Now close your eyes and get this down you. If you’d like, I’ll put you down next to Louie when you’re done and the pair of you can sleep next to one another. Would you like that?’

‘Yes, Daddy,’ Benji replied, the first hit of the milk comforting him as he stopped talking and began to drink.

As Benji began to feel his eyelids getting heavy and the warm milk flowing down his throat and into his tummy, he couldn’t recall ever having such a brilliant playdate. But it was the addition of having his milk given to him by his Daddy at the conclusion that was making the moment truly special.

Benji was falling for Harrison faster and faster.

As he felt his eyes shut for one final time, Benji realized that this was feeling way too much like love for it to be anything else.