Page 21 of Keep Me Daddy

‘Hey?’ Benji said, unable to contain his smile as he approached. ‘Could I… maybe play with you?’

‘Hey! Yes! I’d love that! The name’s Lars by the way. What’s yours?’

‘Benji, oh and this is Zozo,’ Benji said, turning to show Zozo poking out the top of his backpack.

‘Awesome! My little stuffie BFF is inside, working on some wicked-cool new science experiments!’ Lars giggled, handing Benji one of the wooden airplanes.

Within no time at all, it felt like the pair of them had been friends for life. As Benji has strongly suspected, Lars was very much a Little. But one thing that did take Benji a little bit more by surprise was that Lars wasn’t a student.

Lars was actually a member of staff. Something of a child prodigy Lars may only have been twenty-two, but he was one of the leading researchers in his field of science on the East Coast.

‘Woah, that’s so impressive!’ Benji said. ‘I don’t get science at all. I…’

‘Yeah?’ Lars said, whizzing his airplane across the skyline.

‘Well, I’m taking some time out,’ Benji said. ‘But I love cooking. Food. Recipes. Scrummy-yummy-in my tummy food. That’s my thing.’

The two new friends continued to play and have fun on the well-maintained lawn. They were having so much fun together that both Benji and Lars began to enter into Littlespace. It was a wonderful thing for Benji to experience – and it was always extra special when it happened with a fellow Little for company.

The two new BFFs were having such a good experience that time seemed to fly by. They didn’t have a care in the world, and both felt free to express themselves as naturally and unselfconsciously as they wanted.

But out of nowhere, Lars suddenly stood up straight, a worried look on his face…

‘Urgh, watch out – it’s the Dean!’ Lars said, suddenly hiding his airplane behind his back. ‘He’s got a real bug up his stinky butt. I try and stay out of his way. I don’t think he likes Littles much…’

‘Hmmm,’ Benji replied, hiding his wooden airplane too. ‘My… Daddy… has spoken about the Dean too. I don’t think he likes the Dean much either!’

‘Your Daddy sounds like a nice man,’ Lars says. ‘Do I know him? Does he live nearby?’

‘Tee-hee! I think you definitely will know him,’ Benji giggled. ‘It’s… Harrison Hawk.’

‘Woweee! Harrison Hawk is your Daddy?’ Lars giggled. ‘Swoon! I know a few other Littles on campus who will be disappointed to hear that the great Harrison Hawk has found his Little.’

‘Well, it’s all very new at the moment,’ Benji replied, attempting to play it cool, but failing to hide his delight. ‘I mean… he really is everything I’d ever want!’

Benji and Lars were suddenly dancing and jumping up and down together in total joy. It felt so good to refer to Harrison as being his Daddy that Benji was struggling to contain his excitement even the tiniest amount.

What was equally nice was to see how positive and sincerely happy Lars was. Sometimes people could get jealous or defensive in a situation like this, but Lars’s good heart was clear for Benji to see.

‘Does Harrison spank as hard as I think he does?’ Lars snickered.

‘Harder!’ Benji replied, bursting into laughter as he turned around and shook his bottom with glee.

Benji could see the Dean glaring at him and Lars, so abruptly brought his booty shaking to an end. But the dour Dean couldn’t stop either Benji or Lars feeling great. This had been a happy day, and a brilliant surprise first hang-out for the pair of them,

The two friends giggled together and watched as the mean-spirited, grumpy looking Dean entered the building opposite, no doubt on a mission to kill someone else’s vibe too.

‘Anyway, I do have some research to get back to,’ Lars said. ‘But let’s exchange numbers. If you’re going to be around for a while longer, I’d love to hang out some more. Maybe even have a sleepover’

‘Squeeeeee! I would love that more than anything,’ Benji cried out in joy, taking his phone out and duly exchanging numbers with his new friend.

Lars waved goodbye and walked back into the science building. Benji felt happy and relaxed. Campus life was fun and made him feel good. And there was only one person to thank for that.

It was time for Benji to go home and show Harrison some appreciation for what he had done for him so far…

Benji took a shortcut back from the campus center and after nearly getting lost in a compact but dense section of woodland, he popped out onto the right road.

‘Home!’ Benji giggled, pulling a thin, twisty twig out of his shoe. ‘Now it’s time to see what my hunky Daddy is doing.’