Page 12 of Keep Me Daddy

The mere thought of not having to maintain his relentless filming schedule was enough to make Benji want to burst out in tears of joy too.

But on the other hand, there was Tucker, Benji’s manager to think about. Benji suddenly realized that he was actually a little bit afraid of Tucker. This wasn’t a nice thing to realize, but Benji just put it out of his mind. After all, he was with Harrison and felt as safe as safe could be.

Ultimately, it hadn’t been a difficult decision. Benji’s heart was pumping, and his adrenalin was coursing over his body at a million miles an hour. When Benji uttered the words, the look of delight on Harrison’s face made the decision seem even more like it was the right one.

Any thought of Tucker was long gone, and the prospect of spending time with Harrison out of the city was filling Benji’s heart and soul with pure joy.

After finishing off breakfast at Oliver’s Oats, Benji and Harrison went back to his apartment to pick up his stuff. Benji felt a little bit embarrassed by how sparse his apartment was, but fortunately Harrison wasn’t one to be judgmental…

‘Hey, I thought it was just Daddies who dug the minimalist vibe?’ Harrison said as he ran his hands along the worktop in Benji’s apartment. ‘I guess you weren’t kidding when you said you liked the setup at Oliver’s Oats?’

Benji giggled. He found Harrison’s dry sense of humor to be so funny. Daddies were known for telling goofy jokes all the time, but Harrison’s slightly more reserved style and deadpan delivery really hit the spot for Benji.

Jeezy-wheezy. Hot and funny too?

I think I might want him to be my D-

Don’t even think it!

Benji blushed at even the slightest thought about what life could be like as Harrison’s special Little. The firm, guiding hand. The stern reprimands. The spankings!

Just thinking about it was making Benji feel excited.

But it wasn’t just that aspect of being with Harrison that Benji appreciated. Although they had only just met, there was something truly special about the way that Harrison had instinctively read Benji’s feelings about food, his career, and his workload.

Benji was used to Tucker and Tucker’s friends always pushing him to work harder, do more, never take a moment to himself and reflect. But Harrison was different. Harrison was genuinely only thinking about what was best for Benji in any given situation.

Even the way that Harrison stepped in and helped out with Benji’s porridge order was heartwarming and reassuring. It was enough to make Benji go weak at the knees and stiff somewhere else too!

‘Come on now, we haven’t got all day,’ Harrison said, breaking Benji out of his daydream. ‘And remember, I want you packing light. No need for all the iPads, games consoles and other tech that you Littles seem to love so much.’

Benji blushed. But he wasn’t feeling shy. It was more a feeling of embarrassment…

‘I… I… don’t really have anything like that,’ Benji said, his voice sounding sad. ‘Tucker says I don’t have enough money to spare. I need to keep reinvesting it?’

Harrison frowned.

‘That doesn’t make any sense to me,’ Harrison said. ‘But, on that topic… I might not have all of the latest technology back at home, but I’ll see what we can do. Now, no more talking. Let’s get you packed up and we can get out of town.’

Benji smiled. He could feel himself relaxing into his submissive side. But it wasn’t like things were with Tucker at work. This was different. Harrison was simply looking after Benji, and all Benji wanted to do was get ready and let Harrison take him away for a nice, long break.

Benji knew that Tucker wouldn’t be happy when he found out, but that was something to deal with later. Harrison would know what to do if Tucker was angry, Benji was sure of that.

Saying no to people had been a problem for Benji for as long as he could remember. Growing up, his parents moved around a lot and one of the upshots of this was that Benji was always the new kid in school at the beginning of each year. What this resulted in was that Benji never forged the type of longer-term bonds that made him comfortable in his friendships.

So each academic year throughout junior high and then high school it was always the situation for Benji that he felt like he had to put his best foot forward and be as amenable as he could. And if that involved saying yes to things that he may not have been entirely sure about, then that was precisely what he did.

Often, Benji would even find himself in trouble for going along with something, even if he knew it was something that he didn’t want to – or shouldn’t – have been involved in.

Benji had confided this to Tucker one night at the end of a long shoot, and it was beginning to dawn on Benji now that maybe Tucker had used this knowledge for his own advantage from time to time.

But as Benji finished off packing his stuff, he was determined to stay close to Harrison and follow his instructions. Tucker might not be happy with his decision, but with Harrison by his side Benji hoped that everything would be okay…

Benji watched as Harrison slung his suitcase into the car’s trunk. With the sun shining and a cool breeze in the air, it felt like a perfect early autumnal day.

‘Now, let’s move,’ Harrison said, stopping in his tracks as he saw Benji worriedly looking at his phone. ‘Boy. I said let’s go. What’s up?’

Benji didn’t know how to respond to either Harrison or indeed Tucker. Benji looked again at the last of Tucker’s messages…