Page 47 of Bishop

When I kicked his ass.

He deserved all of it, but I’d still half-expected him to send the Angels after me. He had every reason to put me to death, fuck me being the potential heir to the Angels.

I was a threat now. He could take me out.

But he hadn’t.

He hadn’t bothered sending me any threats, any messages. No one came to tell me off or beat me like I’d beaten him. It was like he didn’t care.

And now I know why.

Rook is waiting outside the gate when we pull up, leaning against his old grey pickup with his hands in his pockets. We get out and I tilt my head at the gate, frowning. “Not letting you in?”

“Nah, I was just waiting for you,” Rook says. “Figure…let’s do this as a united front, eh? Me, you, and Vega.”

“And if he says no?”

Rook snorts. “Well, we all go down together, brother.”

I pause, cocking my head at him. “Rook…why? You’re in good with Vance. So why risk it all for us?”

He shrugs. “Because Luka’s on the line. Your girl’s on the line. And it’s time we did a little good, innit?”


“Okay, Finch…” Rook sighs. “There may or may not be the fact that the Eclipse are selling more eros than I am Glitter, so…”

Oberon lets out a humorless laugh while I tilt my head without a smile. “Alright, then. Let’s do this.”

As if he was listening—and I’m sure he was—the gate comes to life and opens with a creak, and we retreat to our respective cars to drive through. I lead the way up the winding driveway to Vance’s fortress of a home, dusk hanging over the property as the sun sinks below the horizon.

“You think this is a setup?” Oberon asks.

I scoff. “Do you really care if it is?”


I look over at Oberon, who rakes his hand over his messy black hair. His stubble has grown out to a short beard, brown eyes narrowed. “Yeah?”

“Before we do this,” he says. “I think you need to decide what you’re gonna do.”

I huff out a bitter laugh. “I’m gonna go to that island, throw Aisling over my shoulder, and lock her away until she comes to her senses—“

“I won’t fucking let you do that.”

There’s a snarl on my lips as I look over at him again, finding his fists clenched on his knees.

“You think you’re gonna stop me?”

Oberon bares his teeth. “You fucking…”

He stops, sighs.

“…Gunnar, I knew her for years before she got out. I watched her get fucking…”

He swallows hard.

“I watched her sleep with men she had no interest in, watched her die a little every time. And yet, she still took care of the other girls. She fought for them, worked her way up to a position of power using whatever tools necessary. She didn’t step foot on the streets for nearly three years before I sprung her, and now she’s free. I won’t watch her get locked up again, even if it’s by us.”