She couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks for sharing.”

“I want to trust you with everything,” he said. “Can you trust me?”

Myra looked him over—his strong build, his face that she loved, his blue eyes she could get lost in. If he wanted to fight by her side and could learn to trust her skills, she thought heaven had made her perfect fit.

“My real name is Myrabella Tueller.”

He smiled. “Because you’re so beautiful?”

“That’s what my mom thought.”

“She was right.” He smiled and held out his hand, palm up.

Myra placed her hand in his and felt the connection all the way through. He threaded their fingers together, trailing his thumb along the back of her hand. “I’m getting better at touching you without flipping out because it feels so incredible.” He grinned. “Has anything ever felt as right to you as this?” He held up their hands. “Us being together?”

She swallowed and admitted, “No.”

“I want to keep trying, Myra. I want to fight for you, fight by your side, fight with you if that’s what it takes. I’m going to make mistakes, but I refuse to quit on us. You’re worth it. We’re worth it. Please, will you try? Will you fight? For us?”

Tears pricked the corners of Myra’s eyes. This was the second time that had happened with Ike.

“Myra?” His voice softened with concern.

“I’m not a crier,” she flung at him. “But you … you get emotion out of me.”

He tilted his head and studied her, obviously wondering if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

“I think we’re worth fighting for, Ike.”

He grinned and then he released his grip on her hand and wrapped her up tight.

Myra framed his face, wiping away the blood at the corner of his mouth. Blood she’d drawn.

He bowed his head to hers, and the kiss he gave her shot fire throughout her body.

This man could challenge her. Love her. Fight by her side.

He lifted her off her feet and kissed her deeply. Then he set her down, dropped to his back, and took her with him. She lay on top of him and laughed. “What are you doing?”

He grinned and framed her face with his hands before kissing her gently. “It’s your turn to pin me.”

Myra increased the pressure of the kiss and he let her take the lead with the next series of intense and inspiring kisses.

She and Ike.

It would be messy, and it would take work, but for Ike, and for more kisses like this one … it would be worth it.


Ike grinned at her, his infrared goggles obscuring those blue eyes. He held up the butt of his XM7 Assault Rifle to break in the door. They were at the back door of a warehouse east of Tijuana. They’d watched it for days, removed cameras and sensors from the building, and now their payoff. A group of traffickers had brought two busloads of children here earlier this afternoon. It was time to rescue some innocent little ones.

“My turn to be on point?” she whispered.

“If I say no, are you going to bust my chops?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I love when you lead the way.” He winked.