Church seemed to stretch interminably after that. Myra kept an eye on everyone in the building, but especially Bermuda and Donavon. She noticed Ike doing the same. As soon as the last prayer was said, Ike let go of Myra’s hand and they both stood. Beau was staring at Bermuda and Donavon. Myra grabbed his elbow and tugged him up.

He let her walk him out of the chapel, Ike clearing a path and Myra checking their rear. The last thing she saw before they exited the double doors was Donavon with his arms around Bermuda and Bermuda watching Beau and Myra leave.

What a mess.

They drove to a large home a few miles down the beach that had been converted into a café. The owner was waiting and, while a valet took the Navigator, the smiling owner directed them through the lunch-time crowd and to their own private patio overlooking the ocean.

The waiter was quick and friendly and the food was good. Beau was obviously stewing, and he studied everyone who walked past on the beach. It was pretty quiet, probably sixty-five today, not warm enough for the beach to be full of sunbathers but lots of strollers and some children with kites.

Ike and Myra mostly ate, watched for anything out of the ordinary, and she tried not to flinch every time Ike brushed her leg under the table. He’d grin every time.

When the food was gone, Myra thought they’d go back to Beau’s house. She wasn’t sure how they’d spend the afternoon. Their time with Beau had been nothing like she could have foreseen. She’d envisioned loud, crazy parties, clubs, or bars every night while she and Ike made sure the Star Stabber didn’t get to him. Instead, it had been fun and relaxing. Except for the drama with Bermuda, the stalker getting a note into Beau’s bathroom, and her own conflicted feelings.

She glanced at Ike, and he smiled at her. She wasn’t conflicted right now. Worried still, but not conflicted. She wanted Ike, and he was willing to take the risk on them.

Suddenly, Beau shot to his feet. “Let’s walk on the beach.” He beamed like a little kid, threw a wad of money on the table, and flew down the exterior patio steps.

Ike and Myra exchanged glances and kept up. Beau slipped his shoes off and left them, so Myra followed suit with her sandals. Ike kept his shoes on. They would probably be full of sand soon.

Beau took off at a jog. They stayed slightly behind him but kept up. Myra saw Ike motion to the other two security guards. They shadowed them.

Twenty feet ahead, a thin blonde in a blue floral sundress plodded through the sand. Myra’s stomach sank as she remembered church. Bermuda had been in a blue floral sundress.

“Beau,” Myra warned.

Bermuda spun around and gasped as Beau jogged up to her.

Ike and Myra stayed back, spreading out a bit to keep a visual on anyone coming. Myra had no idea what her role as fake girlfriend was any longer, so she concentrated on security. Bermuda’s bodyguards weren’t too far away. She recognized one of them from the hockey game. Ike nodded to him, and he nodded back. They’d all keep an eye on the situation. Nobody would hurt Beau or Bermuda.

“What are you doing?” Bermuda demanded, folding her arms across her chest and glowering up at Beau. “Following me to church? Finding me on my Sunday walk? The hockey game? That was a media nightmare.”

“Bermuda.” Beau’s voice was so low Myra could barely make it out over the crashing of the waves. “If you didn’t want me to find you, why do you keep doing the things we always did?”

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Why can’t you just let me go?”

“I’m a mess without you. I love you.”

Bermuda’s eyes widened, and she backed up a step. “If you love me, you wouldn’t have cheated on me. And with Divine of all people.” She stepped back in and shoved at his chest. “You destroyed me!”

Beau caught her hands in his and tugged her closer. “Bee. I would never be with Divine. She set me up. You have to believe me. I’m so sorry you were hurt. It wasn’t me. I would do anything for you. You can see what a mess I’ve been. Drinking and then driving drunk, going to stupid parties, hiring a fake girlfriend …” His voice trailed off.

Yanking her hands free, Bermuda stepped back again and looked to Myra. “Fake? Like a prostitute?”

“No!” Myra yelled out before she could stop herself.

“She’s a security expert,” Beau rushed to explain. “The Star Stabber is after me.”

“What?” Bermuda put a hand to her heart. “Beau.” She looked up at him, and this time it wasn’t a glower. It was with concern. “Are you serious?”

He nodded. “The security experts thought a fake girlfriend was a good cover to keep an expert security person close to me that doesn’t look like security and hopefully catch the guy, but you know how many the Stabber has killed.”

“Be careful.” Bermuda put a hand on his arm.

Beau eased closer. “Ike and Myra are the best. They’ll keep me safe.” He grinned cockily then sobered. “I’m more worried about you believing me and giving me another chance.”

She looked him over and then shook her head and backed up. “Even if you weren’t with Divine, I can’t trust you. You could never settle down to one woman. How could you ever convince me that I’m the only one for you?”

Beau’s shoulders and mouth drooped for half a beat, but then the decisive, successful athlete in him seemed to burst out. He stepped in, swept Bermuda into his arms, and gave her a kiss that could’ve won an Oscar.