“Forgive me,” Ike said to Beau. “But when I saw Bermuda watching you as intensely as I was watching Myra, the idea came to me.”

“She was watching me?” Beau suddenly didn’t look so upset.


Beau mulled that over for a few seconds, then waved a hand. “All right. Get out of here. Go have your loving looks and sweet kisses or whatever you two call romance.” He shook his head in mock despair. “Just don’t make me watch. See you in the morning.”

Ike took Myra’s elbow and they both stood. His gaze dropped to the whiskey on the table.

“You can take it if you want, but I won’t drink any more. I’m not a lush.”

Ike’s brows rose.

“Um, Beau,” Myra said. “You’ve had four DUIs in the past month.”

“Because I was wallowing to get her off my mind and acting like an absolute loser.” He stood, grabbed the whiskey, and shoved it into Ike’s hand. “Honestly, I’m not an alcoholic. But maybe you should take it. Despite the bread crumb of her watching me, I’m feeling pretty low right now.”

“Okay.” Ike nodded to him.

“We could pray with you,” Myra said. She sucked in a breath, as stunned as Ike and Beau both looked. She couldn’t believe she’d offered that. There was no indicator this guy wanted the Savior in his life.

“Um …” Beau looked extremely uncomfortable, and Myra immediately regretted her offer. “Maybe another time. Thanks.”

“Goodnight,” Myra mumbled.


Myra and Ike turned and walked out of the bedroom. Ike shut the double doors behind them. He didn’t take her hand or say anything as they descended the stairs. They walked down the second-floor hallway and he paused outside her door.

She got brave enough to look up at him. “I shouldn’t have offered to pray with him.”

Ike shook his head, and his blue eyes were almost fierce in their intensity.

Myra took a step back, running into the doorframe.

Ike stepped with her. He placed his hand on the frame above her head and leaned in. He smelled clean and musky. Her stomach flip-flopped. Was he upset with her for bringing religion into a job, or was he going to kiss her? It felt like it could go either way. This whole night, this entire day had been surreal. She didn’t know what to expect next.

“Myra.” Even Ike’s voice was intense and made her tingle. “You are inspiring.”

She blinked up at him. All those visions of grabbing his suitcoat, dragging him close, and kissing him bubbled to the surface. Neither of them moved.

“Thank you,” she finally managed. “I was worried I overstepped.”

He studied her and then something changed in his gaze. “You are brave and kind.”

“You’re braver and kinder.”

Ike studied her and then he whispered, “I’m not.”

She opened her mouth to argue, but he was already backing away. “I’m going to go see what Tippin has on Divine Destiny. They’ve ruled her out as the stalker because she was in prison when the other men died, but she’s definitely fishy and could be a copycat. Night.”

Myra didn’t even respond. She watched as he strode to the next door down, shoved it open, and then gave her a tortured look before disappearing inside.

Leaning against the doorframe, she couldn’t control the disappointment surging inside her. Rollercoaster didn’t begin to describe how up and down she felt around Ike.

This job and situation and most especially Ike were all out of the norm. She needed to pray and get some sleep. Tomorrow things would be clearer.

Tomorrow she’d get to be around Ike again.