Ike reached down and took the bottle. Surprisingly, Beau let him. Ike set it on the coffee table and gestured to Myra. Taking her hand again, he walked to the sofa adjacent to Beau’s chair and they sank down into it together. Was this the therapy she knew they’d both be horrible at?

“What happened?” Ike asked, his voice as gentle as it had been with Myra earlier.

Beau leaned back into the chair and banged his head against the cushion. “She thinks I cheated on her.”

Myra could bet Bermuda had ample reason to believe that.

“With Divine Destiny of all people.” Beau rolled his eyes. “She should still be in prison for trying to kill Allison Bradford. Released on good behavior, or more likely bribes from her parents. Divine and I used to … date.”

Ike and Myra both grimaced. Who hadn’t this guy dated?

“Divine showed up here, sweet-talked my gate security into letting her in, and then found me out on the back patio. She came on to me and I swear to you I didn’t initiate or reciprocate.” He was sounding awfully sober now. “I told her I was in love with Bermuda and was going to ask her to marry me. Divine laughed at me, stripped off her dress, and tried to grab me. I moved quick, but apparently not quick enough. You didn’t see the pictures all over the internet?”

“I heard about it,” Ike admitted.

“I was in South America a month ago,” Myra said. She’d heard about it when she’d finished the undercover op, and then the DUIs had destroyed her image of Beau. Did she, and the media, have it all wrong?

“Well, you two were the only ones who didn’t see all the pics. Divine had tipped off the paparazzi to follow her. My security guys had run most of them off, but there were a couple down on the beach with fabulous angles of a naked Divine draped all over me. It looked awful. Go Google it.”

“No thanks,” Ike said.

“Smart man.” Beau groaned and dropped his head into his hands. His voice was muffled as he said, “Bermuda won’t listen. She blocked my number, and her guards won’t let me past her gates. When you did the brilliant switch partner’s move tonight I thought that was my chance. She doesn’t love me; I’m an idiot to think she ever would.”

Ike looked to Myra. She didn’t know what to say. Bermuda would be smart not to trust Beau. The guy went through far too many women and didn’t appear to care about commitments or boundaries. How could any woman believe he’d settle down and be loyal?

“I saw that look.” Beau laid his head back against the cushion again. “I know. I’m pathetic right now.” He squinted at them. “You two are professionals, right? Like code of ethics and all that stuff?”

“Sure,” Ike said. “Why?”

“You aren’t going to go tell the world that Beau Alexander is a pathetic loser dumped by Bermuda and wallowing about it, right?” He pulled a face. “Everybody knows Bermuda dumped me, but … you won’t share the other stuff?”

“No,” Ike said decisively. “Neither of us care about getting attention on social media.”

“Our loyalty is to you,” Myra added. It felt a little cheesy but also right.

Ike focused on her, and she felt like she’d said exactly what she should.

“Thanks.” Beau zeroed in on Ike. “Did she … say anything to you while you were dancing?”

“Um …” Ike looked to be scrambling how to share whatever Bermuda had said to him.

Myra found herself very interested in their conversation as well.

“She asked how well I knew you and I said something like, how well does anyone know Beau?”

Beau grimaced.

“Then she wondered if I knew Birch Merrill,” Ike said.

“Who?” Myra couldn’t think why that name sounded familiar.

“One of Sutton’s top guys, former SEAL, Allison Bradford’s husband,” Ike supplied.

“And the love of Bermuda’s life.” Beau’s voice was full of disgust and despair.

There was silence for a few beats, and then Beau’s eyes narrowed at Ike. “Why did you ask her to dance and then ask to switch partners?”

“I selfishly wanted to dance with my girlfriend.” Ike gave her a loving look, and Myra’s stomach jumped happily. Then she remembered he was acting as if she were his girlfriend for Beau’s benefit. Her stomach dropped.