The Navigator pulled up. The valet rushed around. Beau held out his hand with some cash and the young man handed over the keys.

Myra’s gaze darted to Ike. She knew he wouldn’t let Beau drive as he’d been drinking—the double tip indicated he wasn’t in his right mind—but a confrontation was the last thing Beau needed right now.

Beau held out his hand to Ike and dropped the keys in his palm. Then he swung open the back door and gestured to Myra.

She slipped in. He closed it and walked around, sliding into the other side while Ike strode around and loaded up in the front. She and Ike exchanged a glance, and she could tell he was at a loss too. Neither of them was the therapist type. They observed, protected, and fought. Beau needed someone to listen, advise, and maybe coddle.

Ike drove out of the country club. The ride home was quiet. Beau just stared out the window.

As they pulled up to the front gate, Ike spoke with the security guards while Myra scanned the cameras. All was clear.

When they parked in the garage, Beau said, “Sorry it was a lame night, maybe tomorrow night we can hit the Skybar or Discotech. I just wasn’t up for it after …”

“Don’t apologize. We’re not into the night club scene,” Myra said quickly.

“Oh yeah. The Christian thing, right?” Beau sounded drained, with none of his usual personality.

“Yep.” Ike slid out of the car and hurried around, opening Myra’s door. She thanked him.

Beau lumbered out and waved a hand at them. “Well, you two go, do whatever innocent kissing you religious nuts are able to do.”

Even though Beau was sort-of making fun of them, Myra’s nerves tingled at the thought of ‘innocent kissing’ with Ike. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him. She also felt bad for Beau and worried about him.

“We don’t want to leave you alone,” Ike said, which surprised her. Ike didn’t seem to like Beau much, but they were on a job to protect him.

“I promise I’m not going anywhere. You’ve got all the sensors on your phone. Turn them on or tell the guards at the gate to alert you if I try to take off and drive under the influence, or do something even stupider like go find Bermuda and tell her I love her.” His voice broke.

Myra’s eyes widened. It was day one on this job and Beau was all over the map. He wasn’t like she thought he’d be at all, but then who really was? She would hate to be famous and have everyone dissecting her life.

“See you tomorrow,” Beau muttered, sweeping past them and in through the garage entrance.

“Wait,” Ike commanded.

Beau let out a loud breath and stopped.

Ike nodded to him and led Myra into the living area. The cameras checked out, but that didn’t always guarantee a clean room. Beau waited by the door while they swept the main level.

They all proceeded quietly up the stairs, did a sweep of the second floor and then the third.

“All clear,” Myra reported to Ike as they met back in the main area of Beau’s suite.

He nodded to her.

“Thanks,” Beau said, sounding more put out than grateful, but he was definitely out of sorts right now.

“Night,” Ike said.

They walked out of his suite, shutting the doors behind them, and down the stairs to the second level, stopping outside her bedroom door.

She wanted him to tug her close and experience the sensations from their dance again. Their short dance had been one the most incredible moments of her life. Which might be pathetic to admit, even to herself.

It made her wonder, though … could there be more than succeeding at her career? What if Ike being in security was actually the perfect fit? They’d worked in synchrony tonight checking for danger, even during that dance. Could they learn how to fight together and love each other in their spare time? Her cheeks heated up and she prayed he couldn’t read her thoughts.

In less than twenty-four hours, she’d almost rationalized that she should not only try a romantic relationship, but with a fellow bodyguard. Should she call her dad and ask for advice? For the first time in her life, she didn’t want to know what her dad thought. Because she could almost guarantee he wouldn’t be thrilled with the idea.

Ike didn’t move to hold her close or to walk away.

“I feel really bad for him,” she said, tilting her head up.