Beau’s blue eyes were bulging, and he was trying to draw in oxygen. His smirk was long gone.

“Nice,” Ike said, approval making his voice even more appealing.

She glanced over at him. His blue gaze was even better than his voice. He studied her like she was an 1873 Colt Single Action Army Revolver.

None of her moves had been anything special, but she’d never complain about Ike looking at her like that. Was that simple fight enough to prove he could trust her to take care of herself?

She removed her foot from Beau’s chest and stepped back to Ike’s side. “Maybe we’re done here, honey?” Now that the fight was over, she knew she’d been too rash. Too intent on proving she was a tough female warrior to stop and think. She should’ve handled the situation with decorum and in a less aggressive way. Hopefully she hadn’t hurt anything in Beau’s back.

“No!” Beau scrambled to his feet and held out his hand. “No, please. I didn’t mean to offend. That was amazing, and I really am fascinated by you, but not in a creepy way. I was impressed with you from all that Lake told me and even more impressed now. Please stay.”

Ike held her gaze, and she could read clearly in his eyes that it was her choice.

Myra hadn’t asked for this job, and she was uncertain about how the double fake boyfriend situation would play out. She wanted to complete the job. For the financial bonus, and because of the mesmerizing Ike Porter. She wanted to spend more time around him.

Nodding to Ike, she turned to Beau. “If you can respect me as a woman and your bodyguard, we’ll stay.”

“I can. Of course. But you have to act like my girlfriend in public,” he reminded her.

“It will be all an act. I’m in l … like with Ike.” Oh, goodness, she’d messed that up. Ike’s grimace and the glint in Beau’s eyes confirmed her mistake. She’d almost said love, but she couldn’t quite get the word out.

“In like with Ike.” Beau chuckled. “Ah, that’s cute. Man, I’m excited about you two. Can you both teach me some moves? I could take down a few linebackers with sparring moves like the two of you know.”

“We’ll see,” Myra said noncommittedly.

“Can you even beat him?” Beau asked, staring at Ike’s obviously more muscular build. The way Ike carried himself, you could sense that he could take on a platoon and come out the victor.

Ike’s gaze was wary. He didn’t want to fight her, and that made her neck prickle uncomfortably. He’d avoided opportunities to spar with her in the past. She needed to know why.

“I don’t know.” Myra gave Ike a challenging look. “He’s never fought me.”

“What? You don’t dare?” Beau’s voice wasn’t taunting, more surprised, but it felt like a taunt.

“Why would I fight with my girlfriend?” Ike spread his hands, and all the muscles in his upper body were on fine display. “I’d rather kiss her.”

Myra’s body went hot all over thinking about kissing him, but she’d spent a lot of years proving herself, and this was one of those moments.

She dodged at Ike, throwing a right jab at his jaw. He deflected it. She swung an uppercut with her left. His hand darted out and wrapped around her wrist, tugging her in tight. His eyes flashed a warning at her. It made her mad, and she swung with her right hand. He grabbed her right wrist and yanked her in tight to his chest.

“Stop,” he whispered. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“What?” How dare he? She was a professional. She’d never heard of anyone beating him, but that wasn’t the point, and who cared if he hurt her? They were sparring. She’d dealt with pain before. A lot of pain.

Myra couldn’t free her wrists, so she jumped into the air, wrapped her ankles around the back of his knees, and tried to buckle his legs. He stayed steady. It was similar to wrapping herself around an oak tree. Nothing she did could knock this guy down.

He studied her, and his gaze changed to resignation. Then he dropped to the floor as if her move had worked. He slowed the movement just enough to roll onto his back instead of smack the floor. It minimized any damage and gave her time to release her legs so she didn’t break one.

She was splayed on top of him, and he stared into her eyes. It would’ve been romantic if she wasn’t experienced enough to know he’d let her take him down.

He didn’t fight her now. He didn’t move. He lay there as if she’d pinned him.

“Yes!” Beau cheered. “She took you down, man.”

“Yes, she did.” Ike smiled, then released her wrists and rolled up to a seated position, taking her with him.

She scrambled off of him, straightening her skirt. Ike popped up next to her. Why had he let her win? To prove something to Beau, or because he refused to truly fight her? She was frustrated and confused.

“Let’s go in the study and talk about this week and the job I’ve hired you both for,” Beau said. “We’re going to have a great time.” He winked at Myra.