Page 116 of Finding My Name

“Still got it.” He claps his hand onto his chest.

“Always gotta make it a competition,” Tyler says as he rolls his eyes.

“I’m a winner. What can I say?”

Tyler then looks at me again, tossing his empty can into the cooler. “You got a plan?”

“Not really, but I’ve never been much of a thinker.”

I’m not known for thinking things through. I’m the type that dives into the water headfirst without checking to make sure it’s deep enough.

Just like when I’d jump off the roof of a house into the pool below. I’m here taking a risk that needs to be made.

I might drown if Sally leaves before we can talk through our issues. I can’t lose her again. I’ve spent the last six years thinking it was my fault she got taken away, but she has a family that loves her.

Just from the way her siblings and her interact, you can tell there is so much trust between them. Ella would break anyone if they even came close to hurting her sister. Leon allows her to let loose by matching any energy she has, and then Mimi brings this comforting warmth everywhere she goes.

Her family is fiercely protective of her, and I relate one hundred percent. She deserves to be loved more than anything. Out of the two of us, I’m glad she got out.

This non-plan could go completely wrong, but I don’t have much else to plan other than getting her to talk to me.

I want to say my confidence never wanes, but I’ve been on her porch for the last five minutes.

Come on, Oliver, you are one of the most confident men in this town.

With a deep breath, my knuckle make contact with the wooden door. For a few minutes, nothing sounds inside. Nerves prick at my mind. What if they already left, and I’m trying to get into an empty house?

What if the one person in my life who understands every inch of me has left, and I’ve lost my only chance to make things right and get her back?

As my mind races, the door begins to open. My breath hitches as she fills my eyes. God, she’s so beautiful.

Even when she looks tired, there’s not a single face that can ever compare to hers. There’s this uniqueness that many people wouldn’t notice, but every feature makes me have to fight my body from stepping forward and taking her lips with mine.

“Ollie?” There’s a slight tremble in her voice, and I hate that I’m the one causing it.

“Hey, princess.”

Something flashes in her eyes.

I step a little forward, and she steps back. That little motion causes my stomach to sink even further. At this point, it might as well be on the floor.

“Can we please talk?” I plead with her.

She doesn’t talk, but she’s also not shutting the door in my face, which is a good sign. She wipes her eyes and nods, walking into the living room with me following her lead.

I don’t miss the fact that we are still on opposite sides of the room. The distance feels larger than an ocean. The same body of water we promised to run away to together.

The world we wanted to see as little kids.

Sally shifts back and forth on the heels of her feet. She wants to run but is staying for me. We’ve spent this entire summer breaking down the walls surrounding her heart. I’m not going to let her build it back up with broken bricks.

Let’s start off easy. “How are you?”

She stills and then levels an irritated look. “That’s what you came all this way for?”

“Well, technically, it’s only like a three-minute walk. We are neighbors, after all.”
