Page 91 of Finding My Name

Oliver’s brow furrows as he turns slightly. My eyes meet his, and I try to give him my most reassuring smile.

That might be more for me, though. I need to convince myself that I’m worthy of his attention.

“Oliver, please look at the road before we crash.” I force a laugh out.

He doesn’t look convinced, but he turns to look at the road. His hold on my thigh pulses like he wants to let me know he’s still aware of my presence, even with his focus ahead. I’m still on his mind.

Though, that might just be wishful thinking.

I look over at him as we drive through the city. His hair shines with the lights and some sort of product, or maybe it’s sweat.

Oliver should always have wet hair. Nothing is sexier than him coming out of the lake or fresh from a shower, water clinging to each one of his abs.

I feel my chest contract from the image. Thoughts of the shower floods my mind. The way his head rolled back with each flick of my tongue sends a thrill up my spine.

I did that to him. Blow jobs have always been something I enjoyed giving to men, especially when they thread their rough fingers through my hair and tighten, digging into my scalp. I love it because, even in that position, with him thrusting inside my mouth, there is still an equal amount of pleasure for me.

Oliver might not see it as such, but I almost came, hands-free, that night. That’s just a testament to how much Oliver turns me on because, most times I just fake it.

It’s me, probably, or because of my testosterone blockers—I’m not entirely sure. Maybe I’m the only person dealing with this issue. I know none of my family has issues. My body cringes at the thought. It’s hard not to know the gross details of your family’s lives when you grow up in a super sex-positive household and, at some points, have ten people in one place.

Why am I so scared of being naked in front of him? It’s obvious the guy is attracted to me, if the morning wood he apologizes for every morning is any indication. It’s also the fact that I wake up every morning with him touching me in some way like he’s constantly reaching out for me. Even right now, his finger trails my thigh as we drive.

I’m afraid of how he’ll react when I reveal everything. I’m still a coward that doesn’t want this dream to end.

“What are you thinking about?”

My eyes shoot up to meet his sea-green ones. Oliver stares at me with an unreadable expression before looking back at the road. His black button-down shirt pulls tight on his chest, fitting him perfectly.

“I never asked, but what are you going to college for?” The tension in the air softens.

“I’m going for film production.”

“Would it kill your soul to hear my favorite movie is American Pie?”

“Which one? There are, like, ten of them and then a girls’ version.” I laugh when he looks at me, a little surprised I know what he’s talking about. “Film snobs have guilty-pleasure films too.”

A grin plays on his lips.

That’s what we do for the next two hours. I talk about the classes I’m taking and how I’ll be living with Ella on the athletic dorm floor. It will be my first time living with girls that aren’t family so that part is nerve-wracking.

Oliver talks about some of the places he wants to visit. Then we talk about his surf lessons and how all the kids are getting so much better. Lana had started getting some of the smaller waves, even with her mom freaking out over every little thing.

Hearing him talk about all his students warms my heart. Hearing about all the families he helps around the town reaffirms that Oliver is a good person.

I already knew that from when he had saved me, but I guess part of me was scared he’d change when he grew up. That he wasn’t the same boy who was more concerned about helping a crying kid than his own pain.

A part of me fell for him then. That same part never left Alliance. It’s always been with him. He might just take the rest of me this time, and I don’t know how I’ll handle leaving in a few weeks.

Even if I can’t find the rest of the letters, this town will be a distant memory, and my heart will always be in his hands.

The dark sky starts to turn blue again as the sun rises. I’ll have to give Oliver money to fill his gas tank because my request to just drive was unreasonable, but he fulfilled it, nevertheless.

“Sally?” My head turns to Oliver as he gives me another confused look and the same frown from the start of our drive. “Where did that pretty little head of yours go?”

“I was just thinking about when I leave.”

His grip tightens. “Don’t think about that, princess. Think about now.”