Page 115 of Finding My Name

My childhood best friend and my girl are the same person.

“We gotta get the girls together and take a trip. I don’t know where, but before y’all head off to your fancy schools for your fancy education.”

“Where would we even go?” Tyler laughs. “It’s not like the three of us can afford to go anywhere far. The girls go on vacations all the time, but not us.”

“What if we went to an island? Mess with the rich assholes there.” Jaxon lets out a laugh. “Oliver, what do you think?” Jaxon asks, taking me from my thoughts. “Are you still hung up on what happened at the cove fire?”


Jaxon takes a large gulp of his beer. “I never would have thought Sally and that quiet dude from grade school were the same person.”

“Dude!” Tyler pushes Jaxon’s shoulder to shut him up, but it is too late.

I give my friend a nasty glare. “Jaxon, if you ever refer to Sally as a dude again, I’ll knock your ass flat.”

Jaxon stares at me for a second, most likely seeing the fire that must be burning in my eyes just like the fire running through my veins.

I’ll fuck up anyone that disrespects her.

He hangs his head. “I’m sorry. That was really shitty of me to say.”

“Where’s your head at with all of this?” Tyler asks, and honestly, I don’t have an answer.

I know I still want her. There’s still an attraction there. Even when I found out who she was, my cock still hardened just from her presence. I thought maybe seeing my best friend and her as the same person would change my feelings, but it didn’t. She doesn’t fit in that box anymore. I never once saw Sally as a man. Even now, she’s just my girl.

“Did you know she was?—”

Jaxon stops when I look at him. My fist clenches, ready to stay true to my words.

“Trans?” Tyler supplies, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. The man has never liked conflict.

“That.” Jaxon points at Tyler with a finger. “Did you know?”

“Yes, I knew she was trans when we started all of this.”

It didn’t matter to me. I never really thought about why it didn’t matter. Sally is just Sally now.

Jaxon looks like he has more questions, but I turn to Tyler. “As far as my head, I don’t know. I kind of messed up at the cove fire, and I don’t think she’ll want to see me again.”

Pain pricks at the thought.

“But didn’t she lie for the past two months? Not once did she tell you anything about who she was, and I don’t mean the trans part. That’s whatever. But she’s the same person you’ve talked about non-stop since we became friends. I might be your best friend, dude, but there was no way I could compare to those memories.”

There was an almost sad tone in his voice. Jaxon is my best friend, but Sally…no one compares to our story.

“Jaxon, you, Tyler, and the girls are my best friends. High school would have been the death of me without you guys. But she is my girl, I can’t imagine my life without her. Sally is my tomorrow.”

With that, my shaggy blond friend downs the rest of his beer. For a second, I think he’s upset, but that’s wiped away as a shit-eating grin covers his face.

He grabs three beers and proceeds to puncture a hole in the base of each. “Then you better fix this because I’m tired of the sulking, Oliver. It makes no sense.”

These are my best friends. They know me better than anyone, and sulking is not our cup of tea. Well, one person knows me better, but I need to fix that first.

“Cheers to that.” Tyler takes one of the beers from Jaxon.

We each click open the tab, and beer rushes into my mouth, forcing its way straight into my gut.

The carbonation forces my stomach to let out a burp. Then Tyler lets out a smaller one. Jaxon sucks in his gut before letting out a fierce burp that I bet the town could hear.