Page 111 of Finding My Name

It’s a letter to him from his mom. The same mom that let CPS take their son and then, a week later, was walking through the park, smiling like she didn’t just ruin her son’s life.

I quickly go through the letters to see what else they wrote to Simon, but my mind pauses on the fourth letter.

His mom wrote out Simon but then crossed it out and wrote Sally next to it.

What does that mean? The rest of the letter goes on to talk about her bullshit apology, but I can only focus on her comment about Sally being her daughter.

Nausea rolls through me. Sally’s been lying to me this whole time. Since the beginning, she’s been the same person I’ve wanted to see for years.

Sally is Simon.



“Ella, who knew a bad bitch like yourself could bake something so good?” Casey sings out praise for Ella as my stoic sister tries not to blush.

“Are you sure you should be eating cookies before we even have dinner?” Piper chastises her best friend, which is just met with a devilish grin.

“I had help from Mimi, but don’t ask Sally to cook because she burns water.”

Now, it’s my turn to blush. “Ariella!”

The whole group laughs, and even I find myself smiling.

Ella and I baked cookies after asking the girls what they were all brining to the picnic. Out of the four of my siblings here Ella is the cook while Mimi loves to bake. Leon and I typically just sit there and look pretty.

“Well, if the boys would stop trying to prove how big their penises are, we could eat.” Casey looks over at Carter, her new boyfriend. Then she looks at the three of us. “I obviously don’t need to know anything about our friends’ sex lives, but god, it’s like Carter was made for me.”

Piper shakes her head and opens her second Truly can.

Ella looks at the boys, passing a football between the four of them. Her knee bounces as she follows it back and forth. She wants to jump in with them, but she doesn’t have that many female friends and has always had trouble making them.

She wants to be friends with Piper and Casey, but she also wants to do what she loves.

“So how have have things been with Oliver?” Casey asks and I feel my cheeks heat up as the image of us in the shower comes up again. I swear I think about it daily.

“We’ve been good. I’m just trying not to think about the end of the summer.”

Casey frowns. “You know you don’t have to break up right?”

I give her a sad smile not knowing what else to say because we do have to break up.

“So, how has Jaxon been?” Piper asks out of no where.

Ella is just as surprised by the question. “Fine.”

“You’re the only one he’s hooked up with this summer, which is surprising, given he’s usually one of the top fuck-boys. The tourists love him.”

Ella gives an uneasy look to Casey, who looks more casual about the topic of conversation. You’d assume she had nothing to do with Jaxon, but Oliver told me about their history, and I told Ella just in case something happened.

“We’ve just kissed.”

“Wait, what?”

“No way!” Piper and Casey look at Ella, dumbfounded.

“I don’t know, it just never really gets past kissing and cuddling.”