“Well, I guess that makes sense,” Janelle agreed. “But at the same time… I don’t know, Ivy. Something seems weird. You’re telling me you met one of the most successful men in New York, had great sex, and then he offered you a job five minutes after you’d lost your last job? That doesn’t seem unlikely to you?”
“It seems crazy,” Ivy agreed. “I wouldn’t believe it either if I hadn’t seen it happen with my own eyes.”
“Have you tried looking him up online?” Janelle asked.
Ivy could already hear the clicking of the keys as her sister typed. “Come on, Janelle. Why would I need to do that?”
“There are tons of pictures of the guy,” Janelle said. “They can confirm whether or not the man you met is who he says he is.”
“Janelle, he hired me for a job at SmartSilver. How’s he going to lie about being the CEO and hire me?”
“You said you didn’t have a contract.”
“I said I don’t have one yet. He’s going to email it to me later today.”
“Uh-huh. Suspicious.”
“No, it isn’t!” Ivy laughed. “It would be a whole lot more suspicious if he was walking around with a contract in his pocket!”
“I’m texting you a picture,” Janelle said.
Sure enough, Ivy’s phone dinged, signaling the arrival of a text message. She looked at the screen. Janelle had sent a picture of Elliot in a three-piece suit, his dark hair immaculately combed, standing at a podium as if giving a speech.
“That’s him, all right,” she told her sister. “Satisfied?”
“Well, I guess,” Janelle said dubiously. Then her tone brightened. “Hey, that’s wild, Ivy — you’re hooking up with a literal billionaire!”
“I’m not hooking up with him. It’s not an ongoing thing,” Ivy said. “It was a one-time thing, and it’s strictly over now.”
“Well, that’s no fun.”
“It’s necessary,” Ivy said. “We’re going to be working together, so we can’t be hooking up.”
“Oh, you’re only a contract hire,” Janelle said. “It’s not like he’s your official boss. That’s a gray area. You should totally go for it with him again, Ivy. How often in your life are you going to get to sleep with a billionaire? I mean, that was probably the only one you’ll ever even meet!”
“You say that like it’s a different experience somehow!” Ivy laughed.
“Well, you did say he was the best you’d ever had, didn’t you?”
“I did,” Ivy admitted. “But I really don’t think the money had anything to do with that.”
“Okay, so? Never mind the billionaire thing. You should sleep with him again just because he’s great in bed, what about that? Don’t you want to?”
“I do,” Ivy said. “I just don’t think it’s a very good idea.”
“But who cares? As soon as the project is done, you won’t ever have to see him again anyway.”
“If things go badly, he could fire me.”
“He’s not going to fire a contract worker because things got awkward sexually,” Janelle said. “He’d know that you’d be out of his hair soon enough anyway, so he would let you finish the job. Of course.”
Ivy found herself hesitating, much to her own surprise.
Was it possible her sister was right? Maybe she had written the whole affair off too quickly. After all, the sex had been amazing — maybe there was something in the idea that they could do that again without ruining anything.
She grabbed her laptop and unfolded it to do a search for pictures of Elliot herself. Maybe seeing him again would help her make up her mind.
“All I know,” Janelle was saying, “is that if I had the chance to have an ongoing thing with a guy like that — even if there was a professional conflict — I would go for it. I wouldn’t let anything get in my way, because life doesn’t offer you that kind of opportunity every day, right? You need to seize the moment.”