Page 51 of Mated to the Dragon

This was where we’d been heading for years. We’d finish it tonight.

With a screech of tires, he pulled up alongside me—a grin etched into his face. It was him, the leader of the commune. His face—those dark eyes—would haunt me for a lifetime. Seconds stretched into eternity, and everything I was, everything I'd been in the past, flashed through me.

My memories flooded back into my mind all at once. Meeting Mazie. Half falling for her while teasing her in the bar. Going to her home. Loving her.

And knowing in my heart that she was the one, that we'd one day join together.

All of that was stolen, and realizing it again made anger churn through me. He should've died that night or run so far away; I’d never find him.

But if he wanted a final taste of my wrath, I'd give it to him.

A wrench of his wheel, and his vehicle swung toward mine, steel grating against steel on the right side of the SUV. I was driven to the left, so close, I could peer over the side of the cliff.

Too far down.

I had to . . . I slammed the SUV to the right, shoving him against the ledge wall on the inner side of the road.

My muscles tensed like coiled springs. I slammed the SUV against him again. Another time.

Smoke bloomed from the front of his vehicle, and he slowed, swinging in behind me.

I could see him in the rearview mirror. His wild grin. The anger smoldering in his eyes. He hated me, and he was going to make me pay for what I'd done.

"Come get it," I snarled. "Taste the wrath of a dragon tonight."

I gave the vehicle more gas, sweeping around the last bend with him hot on my tail. I crested the hill with my brother's castle down the driveway on my left and kept going, swooping over the hilltop and taking the downside switchbacks that would eventually empty out into the forested valley below.

When he came up on my right again, I swerved to meet him. The vehicles crashed together, and more smoke erupted from the front of his car. He pulled back but nudged me from behind again. My vehicle went spinning, and the back end slid so close to the edge of the cliff, I didn't know how I maintained traction.

I let loose my lightning, and it not only lit up the world around us, but a bolt cracked down, slamming on the ground in front of his car.

His horrified gaze met mine.

“Didn’t know I could do that, now did you?” I hissed. “Want some more?” A flick of my finger, and the night lit up with bolts surging across the sky. I controlled them, and if he thought I wouldn’t use them, he would learn a terrifying lesson.

I slammed my foot on the gas pedal, and the SUV shot forward, toward his car. He swerved, the back end of his car swinging around, his tires sliding on the loose gravel on the edge of the road.

“Give up,” I snarled. “Slink out of town and don’t come back.”

His car tipped backward, the headlights flashing up toward the sky.

His jaw dropped, and his gaze met mine.

I flung myself out of the SUV and rushed forward, though I had no idea what I’d do when I reached him.

Before I could cross the road, his car went tumbling backward, over the edge of the cliff.

Chapter 25


Hours later, Asher and I sat in the dark, him playing on his tablet, me staring forward at nothing. We’d eaten, though I didn’t have much appetite. How could I eat when I didn’t know if Gravor still lived?

“Can we turn on the light?” Asher asked, looking up at me.

“Not yet.” Not ever. There was no electricity, though we had a few flashlights. I wanted to conserve the battery life.

We sat on a moth-eaten sofa covered with a clean blanket I’d found in a closet. The cabin wasn’t much, an open living-kitchen area and one tiny bedroom.