Page 104 of On the Edge

But a few minutes later I stiffened as a hand found my hip.

“If you’re Beauty, does that mean I’m the Beast?” Adam whispered into my ear.

I closed my eyes as chills raced across my skin. My nipples tightened with want. I’d never met a man who could steal my breath with the sound of his voice. It wasn’t just that his accent was deliciously sexy—it was the way he spoke. The rich satin of his voice slid over me, warming me in all the right places.

“As much as I like the Belle costume, I prefer your natural hair color.” His fingers slipped up to my brown, ponytail wig and I opened my eyes.

“Why are you here?” I faced him, not caring that we were standing within a dancing crowd, standing close in front of everyone at work.

He rested a hand at my elbow as he narrowed his eyes on me and a smile tugged at his lips. “Last time I checked it was my name on the building.”

“Good point.” I wanted to break the hold he had on my eyes, but I couldn’t drag my gaze away. The simple touch of his hand on my elbow had me realizing how much I’d missed him.

“Can we talk?” He looked over my shoulder, probably taking note of the people all around us. Had anybody noticed? Did anybody care?

I hadn’t a clue. Adam McGregor was standing in front of me, and that was all I knew.

Being so close to him.

Breathing him in.

It was like I’d come home.

I think I nodded yes because he guided me by the elbow and led me out of the lobby, away from the people and into a hall. There were doors to offices on either side.

I pressed my back to one of the office doors behind me and gasped as his palm pressed against the wall over my shoulder. “I didn’t think you wanted to talk to me anymore,” I said after a few long moments, noting the way his tan throat moved in small swallows as if he were trying to digest his emotions.

My eyes settled on his chest as it expanded.

“Of course I’d want to talk to you, which is exactly why I shouldn’t have come here tonight.”

“You’re confusing,” I mumbled, and he pushed away from the door, offering a little space between us. But the greedy, lusty part of me wanted him back, and closer. I wanted to inhale his scent until I grew dizzy. I wanted to grab hold of his rough hands—they were nothing like a businessman’s hands—and I wanted them to cover my body. Every inch of it.

“I don’t mean to be confusing,” he answered, dragging a hand over the top of his head. “Ma begged me to come tonight, but I knew what would happen if I saw you.”

“And what’s that?”

He stood still in front of me, his blue eyes mesmerizing. My lips parted, so dry and in need of his mouth on mine.

“I knew if I came to the party that I’d come to you like a moth. You’ve always been this bright light . . .”

My eyes dropped to his hands, which were fisted at his sides. The sight of his clenched hands should have produced fear inside me, but they didn’t. He wasn’t Jax. He’d raised them only to protect me, not to harm.

I reached for his arm, but he retracted it.

In Adam’s words, feck that. I reached for him again.

My fingertips glided over the expensive black fabric of his suit jacket, and I slipped my hand to his wrist. I raised his arm up and between us, bringing his hand to my heart, pressing it hard against my chest. I could see the struggle on his face.

His fingers unfurled into an open palm, and I shut my eyes, embracing the emotions that soared through me.

“Don’t do this. It’s better for you to be afraid of me.” His voice broke as he spoke, but I kept my hand on his wrist, holding him firmly in place.

“I’m not afraid of you,” I whispered.

His free hand went to my chin, and he urged me to look up. “Look me in the eyes and say you’re not afraid,” he commanded.

I swallowed. “I’m not afraid of you,” I repeated, my voice trembling.