Page 20 of F*ck My Luck

“It probably wants feeding. Not eating for seventy-two-thousand years will do that to you,” I say with a grin as I pat his washboard abs. “Come on, let’s get you something to eat.”

I climb out of the bed and go to grab my robe from the back of the door, but it floats away before my fingertips touch the cloth.

“I like you naked,” grins Zeno, and a buzz of excitement shimmers through me. I love how he feels about my body.

“Ok, but you have to do the same,” I grin, as his muscular body rises from the bed.

“There is no need to bargain. I do not possess any clothes,” he says with a smirk, as he strides toward me and presses a breath-stealing kiss against my lips.

We walk through to the kitchen, the journey taking three times as long as it should because we can’t keep our hands off each other.

“What do you want to eat as your first meal? We could have burgers, or we could make something,” I say, swirling around to face him and looping my arms over his shoulders.

“Let us cook. I want to eat human food with no magic involved,” he says, as another rumble rolls out of his stomach.

“I’ll make you some pasta,” I say, figuring that I can cook a huge batch because quelling a multiple-millennia hunger will probably require more than just a sandwich.

I head over to a burger-free cabinet, pull out a bag of pasta, then shake my head.

“Seriously? Penis shaped pasta.” I tut, spinning around and putting my hand on my hip with a wry smile on my lips.

“I do not control the wishes. I am simply the vessel for the magic,” he says, holding up his hands and grinning as I fill a pan with water and take it to the stove.

“May I help?” he asks, but I shake my head.

“No. You just sit your blue butt down and wait there looking pretty,” I say, admiring the view of his muscular body as he takes a seat at the kitchen table.

I grab the sauce and some cheese, and it’s only as I’m setting the food down in front of him twenty minutes later that a thought occurs that sends me into a fit of giggles.

“The penis-shaped pasta is humorous?” asks Zeno innocently, looking at me with a bemused expression.

“Not the pasta, although it is kind of funny,” I say, as I fight back the laughter. “It’s just that I realized that the first thing you ever ate was pussy.”

A smile splits his face, and he chuckles.

“I fear every other meal will forever disappoint,” he says, as he spears his fork into the pasta and takes his first mouthful of real food.

“Well, eat up your dinner like a good boy,” I say, with a teasing smirk. “And I’ll put pussy on the menu for dessert.”



“Mmmmm, how do you look so good this early?” murmurs Bethany the next morning, as her beautiful eyes gently flutter open and settle on me.

“You look perfect to me every time of day,” I say, a swell of emotion expanding in my chest as I kiss the top of her head.

“So, Zeno. First full day outside the lamp. What do you want to do? We can go anywhere you want,” she says, walking her fingers up the center of my chest.

“I want to do nothing but spend it here with you,” I say, tilting her head up and capturing her mouth with a kiss.

My dick grows hard, and she giggles as she feels it pressing against her.

“Oh, I get it. You want to stay here so your big dick can take things to the next level,” she says, her soft hand wrapping around my shaft.

It feels incredible, and my balls tighten as a tug of need builds inside me, but I fight against it.

“Not yet, Whirlwind. I want to take things slow,” I say, stroking my hand down the soft skin of her lower back.