Page 26 of F*ck My Luck

The next twenty-four hours fly by in a hazy blur of cuddles and kisses, sweet words, and dirty words, and enough sex to make a porn-star clutch her pearls.

Making love to Zeno only satiates my appetite for a short time, and then I’m hungry for even more.

Each time I feel him inside of me, our bodies moving together as one as we take ourselves to new heights of pleasure, I become more addicted to the feeling.

Which is why, despite the fact that my pussy is aching from overuse, I’m waking up this bright Sunday morning desperate for more of Zeno’s cock, like the little horn-dog he’s turned me into.

I roll over in bed to find him lying on his front, his long black ponytail traveling down the valley between his muscular shoulders. He looks like a God, and he’s all mine.

I lean forward to kiss his back but jolt my face away when my lips connect with his skin. He’s burning hot.

“Zeno, are you okay?” I ask, and he replies with an agonizing groan as he turns his face to look at me.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, panic rising in my chest as I place my palm against his feverish forehead.

“The lamp…” he croaks. “It’s calling me back.”

“Tell me what to do. Should I get rid of it?”

“That won’t help,” he groans, rolling onto his back slowly, like he barely has the strength to move, then staring at me with agony etched onto his face.

“The lamp is just a vessel. The world I come from, I can feel it trying to reclaim me.”

“And what happens if you don’t go back?” I ask frantically, taking his hand in mine and clutching it to my cheek.

“I’m going to die,” he chokes out.

“Then go back to your world. Be a genie again,” I say through heaving breaths as tears sting my eyes. “We can go back to before. I don’t care if you’re a genie or a human. I love you, Zeno, and I can’t live without you.”

“I can’t do that to you,” he says, his huge hand opening to cup my jaw. “You deserve a real man to build a life with, not a fake one inside a lamp. I would rather die happy after spending one perfect day with you than a lifetime giving you less than what you deserve.”

“Zeno, that’s so beautiful,” I say, the tears streaming down my cheeks at how all or nothing he is. “But it’s also fucking stupid. I’m not a black widow. I’m not letting you die after having sex with me. There must be another way.”

“There isn’t,” he groans, and his eyes roll back and start to close.

“There must be. Think!” I say, slapping him hard across his face.

His eyes jolt open, and although my bedside manner is questionable, it seems to have made him more alert.

“My world needs a genie. I could stay here if another mortal took my place,” he says, his beautiful black eyes looking puppy-dog sad. “But who would agree to that? Who after experiencing life on earth and feeling the love of another human, would want a life of solitude?”

I can actually feel the lightbulb ping inside my brain and my heart races like a galloping horse.

“Are you allowed to have cats where you come from?” I ask, and his forehead knits together in confusion.

“There are no rules that I am aware of,” he says through heavy breaths.

“Then don’t go dying on me just yet. I’ve got a plan.”



“So, you’re telling me all I’ve got to do is swap places with some genie you’ve lost your mind for, then I get to live inside a lamp forever with Mr. Binx, and I never have to speak to anyone again?” comes a muffled voice from the other side of the bedroom door.

“Pretty much,” I hear Bethany reply. “But you will be a genie, so if somebody rubs the lamp, you’ll have to grant them wishes.”

“But that’s never going to happen because you’re going to do a good job of hiding me, right?” asks the voice, although the tone suggests it is more of a statement than a question.