Page 10 of F*ck My Luck

Suddenly, it all clicks into place. My wish. How did I forget about my third wish?

The barista fills a cup with iced coffee, then pulls a pen out of his apron and starts writing on the side.

“This is my number,” he says, handing it over to me with a smile. “Give me a call, and I’ll fill you up with a different kind of cream.”

I choke on air and the shock makes me squeeze the cup too hard, popping the lid open so my drink spills down my hand.

“Let me help clean that up for you,” says the finger-licker, appearing out of nowhere and running his tongue up the side of my hand.

I yelp, spilling more of my drink as I twist away from him and rush toward the door to escape.

Once outside, I speed-walk along the street, keeping my head down when suddenly I hear a screech of wheels and look up to see a car pulling an emergency stop to avoid hitting a man who is running through the traffic.

“Hey there,” he calls out to me, and I walk faster, pretending I haven’t seen him. He catches up to me in a few easy strides and taps my arm.

“Yes,” I ask, my pulse racing as I prepare to karate kick him if he tries anything weird like sucking my toes.

“I just wanted to ask if you have a map?” he says, and my chest relaxes.

“No, sorry,” I say, feeling more than a little foolish for being so dramatic and acting like a zombie was chasing me.

“That’s a real shame. Because I just got lost in your eyes and can’t find my way out.”

I spin on my heel to run away but crash immediately into the chest of another guy. My coffee explodes over him, and I gasp at the sight of the huge brown wet patch bleeding out across his shirt.

“I’m so sorry,” I say, burning hot with embarrassment, but he just smiles.

“It’s okay. I needed something to cool me down after seeing you,” he drawls, unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it off to reveal washboard abs.

“It must be fate us meeting like this. Can I get your number?” he asks, pulling a pen from his briefcase and handing it to me.

“Write it on my chest so I can keep you close to my heart,” he says, and I’m about to make another quick escape from yet another corny chat-up line when I ask myself why the hell am I trying to fight this?

I wished for this, and Zeno said there’s no taking it back, so I may as well make the most of it.

Sure I can’t get Zeno’s blue body out of my mind, but dating a genie isn’t a feasible option. On the other hand, there are now a ton of real guys who do want to date me, surely there’s a chance that one of these guys will be my soulmate?

Yes, they’re all way too over the top, but isn’t that what true love is supposed to be like?

Who wants mediocre love? Not me, that’s for sure. So, I take the pen from his hand, press it against his smooth skin, and start writing.



“Zeno! Zeno!” are the words I hear before my body starts to swirl and I’m pulled into the human realm once again by enchanting Bethany.

“Thank you so much,” she squeals, holding out her arms and lunging at me with such force that she topples forward when she passes straight through me.

I use magic to catch her before she hits the floor, then carefully set her back on her feet.

“Of course, you can’t hug. Sorry, what was I thinking?” she says, tutting to herself and shaking her head.

I’ve never had any interest in being touched by a human before, but I feel an ache of longing.

I’ve granted millions of wishes throughout my existence, yet Bethany is the first human to call me back since being finished with my magic. She makes me feel valued and my body has a visceral urge to express this appreciation.

“What are you thanking me for, Whirlwind?” I ask, forcing out my futile desire to touch this beautiful woman.