As daunting as that sounded, his next words teased me too.
Then you’ll feel much, much better. I promise, baby girl.
I shivered. He took my hand and kissed it, smiling as if I were broadcasting my thoughts across my face.
“Hey Soap.” Callie scooped me into a hug, then nodded her head around the room. “Mister Ethan and Detective Hotness too. Aww. Did you miss me?” Callie cocked her head and winked at Hayden over her glasses.
Evie’s eyes snapped and her lips disappeared into a thin, straight line. Callie gave her a wink too. Hayden didn’t reply.
“Shall we?” Evie gave one more sharp glance toward Hayden then ushered us down the hall and into a room filled by a dark laminate table surrounded by chairs. A video screen and other various technological equipment sat in disarray along the far wall.
“Why are we here?” Callie asked as we all took seats. She dropped into the chair to my left and gave it a half-spin. “I got a message to show up, but nothing else?”
Hayden took a chair at the far end of the table then pulled the pad and pen from his pocket, lining them up carefully against the table edge.
“I can only assume you want my advice on the atrocious design situation you’ve got going on here,” Callie added, turning her attention back to us.
“Are you a designer?” Daddy gave Callie a considering look. “I thought?—”
“That stripping is my only gift?” Callie shoved her sunglasses up onto her head with a hair flip and a grin. “I get that a lot. But no, I went to school for interior design and everything. Dad insisted.”
“Her design ideas won’t be necessary.” Evie looked alarmed. “I’m sure Rook’s design team will do just fine.”
“The design team that’s down to the lead and an intern?” Daddy said thoughtfully.
Evie’s lips mashed into a thin line, her olive skin paling. “Hayden,” she snapped back to him, and he jerked his head up, looking almost nervous at her attention. “Did you want to get started?”
“Sure,” he said. “There’ve been some developments in the case.” He looked directly at me, and I tried not to flinch. “Ethan told me your story, Sophia. I wish you told me sooner.”
“What story?” Callie pulled her sunglasses off her head and looked at me. “What’s going on?”
I blew out a breath, leaving my mouth open, searching for words. Here was my chance to come clean.
I leaned forward and locked my fingers into a nervous tangle. “I … saw a murder in the club the night of the raid. That’s why I had to leave.”
Evie’s eyes widened. Callie’s jaw dropped.
“Jesus, what murder?” She stared at me, the oversized hoops in her ears swaying into her blond waves.
“Nik Vasili, allegedly.” Hayden moved his pen to the other side of his notebook.
“He was killed at the club?” Callie shook her head as she put the pieces together. “Is that why you were attacked? Why didn’t you tell me?” Her lips pinched. Hurt and concern battled in her eyes.
“I didn’t want to get you involved.” I twisted my fingers tighter in my lap. “I panicked and I … thought … if you didn’t know, you’d be safe.”
She opened her mouth then snapped it shut, her teeth clicking together as she gave me a motherly glare. “You think I’d rather be safe? With you on the run? Babe, you didn’t have to do this alone.”
“I didn’t want my problems to ruin your life,” I whispered.
Callie’s eyebrows scrunched, and she pursed her lips for a fraction of a second, as if she were fighting back some emotion unfamiliar to her. Then she flipped her hair back, her face calm again. “So who killed the prick?”
“Mr. Roscoe did.”
Callie’s mouth fell open again. “Holy fuck.”
“Yeah,” I agreed, shaking my head at the accuracy of her assessment. Daddy leaned over, touching his lips to my forehead, letting me know he was with me.
“So what’s next?” He turned his attention back to Hayden. “Can you take her statement now?”