I only needed the answer to one question. “Did you mean it? Or was that the sex-frenzy?” I waggled my eyebrows and dipped my head, scrubbing my goatee against her chin and planting a nipping little kiss there, trying to give her some space to laugh, to process.
She snorted and bit her lip like she might get out of this if she chewed hard enough. I steeled myself for her answer. The boat rocked gently on the waves, completely unconcerned about the weight of our conversation. She cast her eyes up at the sky like she wanted to float away. Too bad I wasn’t ready to let her go.
When she realized there was no escape in the stars, she brought her gaze back to me, her eyelashes fluttering. Her head slid up and down against my arm as she slowly nodded and mumbled, “Yes. I meant it.”
I touched her lips, rubbing my fingertip along the edges, loving the way they trembled and parted to give me access. “You always tell me how you really feel. I love that about you.”
She twitched, eyes narrowing, then let out the breath she was holding, her expression wary.
“Talk to me,” I said gently.
“I’m embarrassed,” she blurted out. “It’s … true … I meant it, but I didn’t mean to shout it out like an overexcited kid at a birthday party.” She squeezed her eyes shut so she didn’t see my lips quirk up.
That exuberance was exactly what I’d been telling her about.
I knew what I needed to do.
“Don’t move.” I kissed her, then rolled over to the edge of the big couch, found my pants on the deck, and grabbed another condom. I came back to her and held it up. “See this? No matter what, we are having sex again, so nobody has to say anything they don’t mean, understand? No sex-frenzy.” She nodded, her cheeks turning that lovely Sophie pink.
I eased my body over her, holding her down and grounding her, pressing my throbbing dick hard against her lower belly. “Feel that?”
She nodded, kitten ears somehow still in place. Adorable.
“That’s how much I want you.” I kissed her nose. “Open up little kitten.” She spread her legs for me, and my restraint came seriously close to breaking, my cock hovering right there by her wet and waiting pussy. I gritted my teeth. Patience.
“Remember, you’re safe with me. You can tell me anything if it’s the truth.”
“Anything, Daddy?” she asked, her eyes so fucking sweet, her body so fucking soft beneath me.
“Anything, baby girl.”
“I have that implant thing in my arm,” she whispered, she bit her lip hard and looked over my shoulder, then back to me. “And I haven’t … been with anyone since before my last checkup. So … maybe you don’t have to …” Her eyes turned toward the condom in my hand.
“You sure you’re ready for that?” I asked, forcing a measured breath, my limits of control straining. “I got tested when I broke up with my ex, and there’s been no one since.” I traced a finger along her collarbone. “I told you, I’m not a casual guy.”
She nodded, her eyes trusting, her body ready.
I kissed her, slow and easy, prepping myself for what I was about to say. It felt huge, but also completely right. There was no doubt, no hesitation, just a burning desire to make her happy, to hold her hand and take this next step together.
“Now,” I said, lining up my lips to her ear and my bare cock to her entrance, shuddering as she shifted and pushed against me, absolutely nothing between us but this final moment.
I was ready. “Say it again. But only if you mean it.” I pulled back my head so I could see her face.
Those gorgeous dark eyes opened wide and locked onto mine. “I love you, Daddy.”
“I love you too, baby,” I said and slid deep into the heaven of her, all the way home.
Soft morning light tickled my eyelashes, and I stretched like a lazy cat, letting myself wake up slowly through each of my senses—the quiet slapping of water against the hull, the scent of bacon and fresh coffee and sea air, the fluffy blanket against my naked skin.
I was naked.
On a boat.
And I told him I loved him. Twice. Maybe even more than that as I went over the hazy, orgasmic memory in my mind.