Page 85 of Saving Sophia

“Only you,” I gasped, wrapping my legs around him and pulling on my ropes for leverage. His hands cupped my butt, squeezing, holding me steady. I was bare and grinding against him, writhing, trying to show him with my body what I wanted.

“I want you,” his chest rumbled against me. “For real.”

He was so strong, so commanding, a master I was more than ready to follow. But something else flickered in the golden flecks of his gorgeous gray eyes, some tiny hint of vulnerability. I could trust him to take control, keep me safe and make me his, but he was trusting me too.

No one had ever wanted me like that before, and the magnitude of it hit me like an explosive blast.

He pulled a condom out of his pocket and held it up between two fingers, a question in his eyes. One last opportunity to back out.

As if.

I nodded frantically, my kitten ears tilting wildly askew. He tore the packet open with his teeth, shifting me slightly in his arms as he adjusted, undid his pants, and readied himself for me. He was right there, hard at my entrance, but still he held back.

“I’m going to fuck you now, sweet little pet.” The pirate gleam was back in his eyes. “But I need to hear you beg.” His hand came up to my throat gently, his fingers stroking beneath my chin as if they might coax the words out. His voice lowered until I was sure we were the only two people in the world, and his eyes softened, searching mine for something. “Tell me what you want, baby girl.”

His words felt like electric sparks sizzling through my body. I wanted to give him my everything. Every part of me, from my tangly tongue to my jittery tummy, from Amber Jade’s blossoming sex kitten to the Little side I was learning to embrace. My body, my submission, my trust. All I could give, I wanted him to have.

“You … I want it … you, please …” I huffed in frustration, needing my words to work. The tip of him pushed against me while his fingers stroked my throat. Waiting. I took a breath and tried again. “I want … you.” He leaned in to brush my lips with a kiss that was more poignant than pirate, his brow slightly furrowed against mine. His chest expanded with his breath, pinning me tighter against the mast. I squeezed my legs tighter around him. “I want you to take me … for real … please, Daddy.”

He jerked back his head, his smokey eyes burning as he stared into mine. “Say it again.”

“Please, Daddy.” The words tumbled out, and before I could take another breath, he plunged inside me to the hilt.

I thrashed against him, desperate for him to pull back and do it again, again, again. He groaned deep and obliged, tilting my hips to best meet his, charging forward, impaling me, grinding me into the hard wood of the mast. Some dim, distant part of me noted I would be sore later, but the primal part of me threw that thought out the window and urged him on.

I arched and tugged at the rope around my wrists, pulling myself up and over and towards him as much as I could, needing to meet him thrust for thrust, to take him as hard as he was taking me. Embarrassment, fear, guilt, all gone. For the first time ever, I felt free.

“Mine,” he said low and heated in my ear. Pure possession in his voice. His mouth made a rough trail of kisses along my neck, barely biting at my collarbone as he claimed my body.

“Yours?” It was a question and a plea, full of more hope than I meant to express before I squeezed my eyes closed and arched my back, shoving my chest against him, desperate for connection.

“Aye, lass,” he purred. “Mine.”

He kissed me again, moaning my name against my lips, tracing the edge of my jaw with his tongue, finding my neck, kissing and sucking and tasting me all in the same rhythm of his relentless charge into my body.

I arched back again, tilting my hips as much as I could, the rough wood of the mast holding me firm, letting him plunge even deeper. The tingling electrical hum in my core intensified, the explosion building. I teetered on the edge of anticipated bliss.

He caressed my left breast, holding it firm and pushing it up to meet his hungry mouth. His thumb stroked the bottom edge of my nipple while his teeth grazed the top. His tongue circled, then flicked. He sucked it hard, making my eyes roll back in ecstasy. His fingers squeezed and stroked and tickled all while he drove into me over and over against the mast. His mouth pulled back, taking my poor, tortured nipple to new levels of hard, aching need before letting it pop out, the cool air hitting it like an electric shock.

Then, I was there.

My eyes flew open, and I threw my head back, seeing stars, literally. A thousand tiny flashes of light glittered in the black sky as I took a gulp of sweet night air, arched my back once more and came in a long, pulsing, clenching burst of flawless joy.

I looked back at him, dazzled and dazed, just in time to see the tension of pleasure take over his face. “My baby girl,” he rumbled out as he released, pushing into me, staking me to that unforgiving mast, his forehead coming to rest on mine before he peppered my mouth with tender kisses.

Our breaths slowed in sync, his rhythm leading me back to earth. Too soon, he shifted. Reluctantly I let my legs loose and my feet found the ground, though I wasn’t sure I could stand on my own. He held me fast, not letting me fall, and I pressed myself tight against the safety of my Daddy’s embrace.



“Let go, baby,” I whispered.

She looked up at me, confused, still dizzy and comestruck. It was adorable, and I felt like a fucking king.

“Let go,” I whispered again and tapped gently on her fists, still clenched around the rope ends like they were the only things keeping her tethered to the planet.

“Oh,” she mumbled with a meek little smile and slowly uncurled her hands.