“I’m gonna kiss you all—” His voice cut off at the sound of my moan. “Sophia? Where are you? Come out now.” His playful tone had switched to worried. The closet door flung open, and then I was in his arms, sucking in great, choking gulps of air.
“I’m sorry,” I said when my tongue could form words again.
“Baby, what happened?” He rocked me till my breathing somewhat steadied. “What scared you? Your heart is racing.”
“It’s stupid.” I burrowed my face into his chest, taking in the safe scent of him. “I heard the door … and it was like … that night.”
“Oh fuck,” he growled, squeezing me closer. “I’m so sorry.” He tipped my head up gently. “Hey, look at me.” I focused on the warm amber flecks in his cashmere eyes, the safety of his arms around me. “It’s not stupid, and you have no reason to be sorry.” He stroked my cheek with his finger. “I’m sorry. It was stupid of me to forget what you just went through.”
“But I ruined the game.”
“You ruined nothing. I’m the Daddy. I shouldn’t have put you in a position to be scared.” He paused. “You know the best thing about that night? You ended up in my arms for the first time.” He kissed my forehead and gave me a squeeze. “And now here you are again. Right where I like you.”
I relaxed into his embrace. “I guess you’re right,” I said, trying to sound normal. “It wasn’t all bad. We met that night.”
“You know what else?” he asked, his words like magic spells cast to ease my fears. “That was when I saw you in your cute little Eeyore pajamas for the first time.”
I snickered. “I’m sure those were super exciting.”
He leaned back with a shocked expression. “Are you kidding me? It was so inappropriate, wanting to kiss you in them after what you went through, but I was dying to.”
I let my hand rest on his arm, my heart starting to slow back to its regular speed. “I figured after seeing my bedroom and my pajamas you thought I was a big baby.”
“Nope.” He settled down against the wall and shifted me up onto his lap. “I saw a gorgeous little girl in serious need of a Daddy to cherish and protect her.” He rocked me slowly back and forth. “And I started hoping I might get that privilege.”
“I’m such a mess.” I laid my cheek on his shoulder, trying not to tear up.
“I wanted you then, and I want you even more now,” he whispered. His kiss was soft and reverent, his scruff-covered chin sending electric tingles zinging through my body. The adrenaline from my scare turned into something else.
“I want you too, Daddy.” It sounded kind of breathy and sexy, which made me proud of myself, but more importantly, I spoke the truth. I wanted him. Wanted this. I wanted to be his cherished little girl. I wanted him to play with me, care for me, and keep me more than I ever wanted anything in my life.
“Daddy?” I whispered against his lips. Calling him that was like hitting two live wires together at the base of my spine, and I couldn’t get enough.
“Yes, baby?” He kissed me, his fingers running up my neck to tangle in my hair.
“I behaved myself.”
“Yes, you have,” he chuckled, shifting me over so he could stand, lift me up, and lead me to the stairs.
I dropped my eyes and embraced being small, following him, giving myself over to his control. When we got to the top of the stairs, he pointed to the edge of the big bed.
“Have a seat.”
I scurried over and sat down, nerves tickling my tummy. Was this it? Was he going to take me?
He stood in front of me, arms crossed, his face stern—except for a tiny upward twitch of his lips.
“I think it’s time for some rules, young lady.” He tilted his head.
“Rules, Daddy?” My heart thumped, and a surge of heat flared between my legs.
“That’s right.” He stepped up close, until the toes of his shoes touched the tips of my socks. “We’ve got your safeword, but we need to have clear rules, so we understand our boundaries and limits.” He reached down and tugged the scrunchie out of my hair. “From now on, Daddy does your hair every morning. You wear it the way I like it.”
My hair fell loose around my shoulders, and he stroked it, plunging his fingers in deep and tugging slightly, so my head moved with his hand. Gentle but firm. My heart accelerated, my blood whooshing through me, but my mind calmed. I loved feeling his control over me.
“Every day?” My voice trembled with excitement.
“Every day, baby girl.” He tipped my head back so I was looking up at him. “Your turn.”