“Yes … Daddy?” I still hesitated, but each time I said it, it felt a little more natural.
His eyes glinted in the dusky light of the sunset. “Good girl.”
My whole body filled up with butterflies taking flight. Thoughts of his promise from before flickered in my mind. That I would go to sleep satisfied.
I had been on my best behavior all afternoon.
“Want to play a game?” He let me go and leaned against one of the stone pillars holding up the porch roof, a mischievous smile tugging up the corners of his lips.
I never imagined a man who could be so playful, indulging the imagination my parents always held with such disdain. Ethan wanted me to play and be myself. It was freeing, and the more I tried it, the more I loved it. “What kind of game?”
His grin turned slightly evil, and the golden flecks in his smoky eyes glittered. My insides started to melt. Would this game end with us naked in bed together? I hoped so. The irony amazed me. Playing games and calling him Daddy brought out the sex kitten in me that never appeared working at the club.
“I’ll wait here and count to ten,” he said. “You go in and hide. When I find you, the price for your freedom is one article of clothing. Ready?”
“Wait, what about?—”
“Set … go!”
I squealed, my tummy flip-flopping at the sensation of being prey, and dashed toward the door of the cabin.
“One,” his voice boomed out.
I grabbed the doorknob and twisted. It didn’t budge.
“No fair,” I cried out. “The door’s locked.”
The jangle of keys made me look over my shoulder. They hung from the tips of his fingers.
I dashed back to him and made a grab for them, but he pulled them up and out of reach with a diabolical smirk.
“This is cheating,” I exclaimed, but my heart was pounding in the most thrilling way. “How do I get in?”
“Keys cost one article of clothing.” He grinned like a hungry wolf. “Also, four.”
“This is extortion.”
“Well, now it’s two articles. And we’re at five.”
“Noo,” I cried, but my feet were already slipping out of my sneakers. I picked them up and shoved them at him, jumping and reaching for the keys with my other hand. He let me catch hold of them but kept them high, forcing me up on my toes.
“Shoes are one item. I need something else.” He leaned into my ear and whispered, “Six.”
“Why are you such a tough negotiator?” I groaned and quickly inventoried my items in my head. Socks, T-shirt, shorts, bra, and panties. That was it. My hair was in a scrunchie. Would that count? Then an idea struck. A marvelous, flirty, Amber Jade-inspired idea.
“Would you accept the shoes with a kiss?” I bit my lip and even risked batting my eyelashes. Just once. No need to push it.
His lips twitched up to his dimpled half smile.
The arm not holding the keys wrapped around me, swooping my lips up to his. His fingers clutched my waist as he slowly took my kiss, tugging my lips apart and breathing me in while his tongue explored. I sighed into him, forgetting the game for a moment, until the keys shifted into my hand. He let them go to cup my face, and a sense of triumph shot through me.