Page 8 of Prepper Daddy

I expected him to push me back on the bed and climb atop me, but instead he lifted me to my feet, forcing me to stand between his parted legs. He was so tall that we were pretty much at eye level even while he was seated on the bed. A thrill rushed through me, all the nerve endings in my body coming alive. I longed for him to kiss me again or press his body against mine.

He reached out and fingered the waistline of my pants. Just when I thought he was about to remove my clothes, his eyes widened and he instead started patting down my legs. Frisking me. My heart leapt into my throat. He was frisking me. He withdrew a small knife from a hidden pocket, then another one, and so on, until he’d located all nine hidden blades.

He held up the largest knife, inspecting the weapon, which was freshly sharpened. “Do you ever use these?”

“All the time. You should see me throw them at a moving target. I can pierce a zombie’s eye socket from forty feet away or hit a raider directly in the throat.” Feeling a bit smug, I plucked the knife from his hand, gathered the rest up, and set them gently on the bedside table.

“Forty feet? Remind me not to get on your bad side.”

“I can gut a man up close, of course,” I said, turning back to face him, “but I much prefer to do my killing from a distance. Keeps the blood splatter off my clothes.”

He rose from the bed and removed a few hidden weapons of his own—knives and two guns—and placed them beside my throwing blades. I appreciated that he hadn’t charged into the garden with any of the weapons in hand. Looking up to find him standing over me had been scary enough.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to stand between his legs again, then slowly, sensually, began pushing my pants down. I shivered with anticipation, eager for him to finish undressing me. As he worked, I tried to unfasten a few buttons on his shirt, but he swatted my hands away and shot me a scolding look.

“Not yet, babygirl. Keep your hands at your sides and let Daddy undress you first.”

My breath caught and my anticipation grew, a constant wave of pulsing heat between my thighs. I tried to keep my hands at my sides, but it wasn’t easy. I wanted to touch him so badly, I kept losing control and raking my fingers through his hair or trying to undo his shirt buttons. Each time I misbehaved, he swatted my hands and very sternly told me no. It was thrilling beyond measure, though I didn’t quite understand why. I also didn’t understand why I couldn’t stop disobeying him.

Perhaps it was because I wanted to see how far I could push him, and what would happen when he finally snapped.

Once he finished removing my pants, he tossed them aside and eyed my panties. Again, I was glad for the river bath I’d enjoyed this morning. I’d used the last of my soap and donned clean clothes too, bra and panties included.

Just as he touched the waistband of my panties, I reached for his shirt buttons again. But instead of smacking my hand, he hauled me over his lap.

Instinctively, I struggled, but his strength easily trounced mine. He forced me over one knee and draped his free leg atop my flailing ones and clasped my wrists together at the small of my back, pinning me in place.

“Naughty babygirl. You haven’t been following Daddy’s instructions very well, have you?” His deep, authoritative voice vibrated through me, inciting my desires despite my worry over what he was preparing to do.

Surely he wouldn’t spank me, would he?

“Um…” I peered over my shoulder at him, and a sensual shiver coursed through me as our eyes met. He looked so very stern, so very authoritative.

To my utter shock, he lifted his huge hand and brought it down with a resounding smack on my panty-clad bottom. I gasped and turned around, resuming my struggles. Sort of. I was only half-heartedly wiggling around because the truth was… there was a part of me that liked being over Darrel’s knee as he scolded and punished me.

He applied ten quick, stinging slaps to my butt cheeks before he paused to rub my inflamed flesh. Moans and whimpers drifted from me, and I couldn’t seem to catch my breath. Waves of surrender kept crashing over me, the intense desire to please Darrel, to please Daddy.

“Naughty babygirls get their bottoms spanked, don’t they?” He continued rubbing, and though I was nervous and stunned by his actions, I wasn’t afraid. I didn’t believe he would truly hurt me. If I did, I would’ve already bitten his leg, pushed myself off him, and reached for the pile of weapons on the bedside table.

Safe. I still felt safe with him. Protected. Mastered.

I whimpered. “Yes, yes… Daddy.”

My heart skittered as he played with the waistband of my panties, and I held my breath as I awaited his next move. A shuddering exhale left me as he slowly, almost reverently, pulled my panties down to rest above my knees.

When he touched my bare bottom, stroking away the soreness he’d caused, I couldn’t help but moan and squirm as the heated pulses between my thighs built to a crescendo of longing. I gave a frustrated huff as I tried and failed to wrench my hands from his firm grasp.

I wanted… I needed…

“Next time Daddy gives you instructions, are you going to obey?”

I inhaled a shaky breath. “Yes, Daddy. I promise.”

I released a pathetic whimper that caused him to chuckle.

“Hm. I think a certain naughty babygirl’s privates are getting achy and wet. If you behave during the remainder of your spanking, Meg, Daddy will touch you and make you feel good afterward. Do you think you can do that? Can you be Daddy’s good girl?”

Dear lord, I’d never heard dirty talk like this before. I wantonly panted and undulated in his grasp, so very desperate for his touch.