Page 14 of Prepper Daddy

Slowly, with great care, he withdrew his digit from my butt, and I exhaled with relief.

“Don’t move yet, babygirl.” He retracted his other hand from my pussy, then moved to the sink where he quickly washed his hands.

The lights in the bunker flickered suddenly, and Daddy glanced at the ceiling and growled. “It’s been cloudy for a few days and the solar cells are running low. We might have to fire up a couple of old-fashioned lanterns.”

“Or… we could just go to the surface together? I mean, the two dumb zombies who are wandering around the farm won’t be difficult to kill. I’ll take one, you take the other, then we can relocate ourselves to the house and stay there until the next migration.” I shot him a hopeful look as he turned around while drying off his hands.

“Nice try, Meg, but I’m not going to change my mind. We’re waiting until the very last zombie leaves town. I’ve heard of some places in the country that will occasionally get a second wave of zombies during a migration. It catches people by surprise and there are always lots of casualties.”

“A second wave?” Well, that sounded ominous. Maybe Daddy had a point. Besides, it wouldn’t kill me to stay underground for another week or two.

“Yep, a second wave.” He set the hand towel aside and knelt next to the tub and stroked my hair. “I won’t risk your safety, sweetheart, so stop asking me to let you go to the surface. I’ll chain you to the bed if I have to.”

“Chain me to the bed? That sounds awfully naughty and scandalous, Daddy. Wow, you’re kind of a pervert.” I giggled.

“A pervert?” He waggled his eyebrows at me. “You’re the one who got all hot and bothered as I finger fucked your bottom hole.”

I gasped. “Daddy, language! If I say bad words, you wash my mouth out with soap. That’s not fair. If you’re gonna say the F-word, I wanna say it too.”

He appeared deep in thought for a moment before finally nodding. “You’re right, sweetheart. I’m sorry. I should watch my language and set a better example for you.”

“You’re so naughty, Daddy,” I said playfully. “Maybe I should spank you.” I laughed. He was a full foot taller than me, and the mental image of me trying to wrangle his brawny, six-foot-five frame over my lap left me in stitches. I might as well try to wrestle an angry bear.

“I’d like to see you try, sweetheart.” He ruffled my hair, then reached for another clean washcloth, which he promptly lathered with soap.

My pussy clenched as he dragged the cloth over my drenched folds, wiping away my arousal.

“You may sit back down in the water, babygirl, just for a second.” He reached for the shower head and turned on the spray, though he didn’t aim it at me just yet, as he was waiting for the temperature to regulate.

I got settled on my sore butt with a groan and started squirming. I couldn’t help it. Having Daddy’s hands on my privates always revved my engine, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how deliciously full my bottom hole had felt as he pushed in and out of my tightness.

“All right, sweetheart.” He grasped my arm. “Stand up so I can rinse you off.”

I rose to my feet with his assistance and stood still as he rinsed me off. At one point, he urged me to place my hands against the wall and arch my bottom out, so I obeyed. A sigh left me as he angled the water spray directly at my pussy. Ohhh. Yes. That’s the spot.

I almost moaned with displeasure when he turned the shower head off, but I reminded myself about what would probably happen next—sexy bedtime shenanigans—and managed to keep quiet.

Daddy reached for a towel and wrapped it around my body. Ohhh, yes. I moaned with pleasure. He’d had it on the new warming rack he’d acquired during yesterday’s surface mission. Well, maybe I wasn’t too upset he hadn’t taken me along as he looted some of the abandoned mansions nearby.

“Wow, thanks, Daddy.” I sighed and snuggled deeper into the warm towel. “This is so luxurious.”

“Anything for my babygirl.” He nuzzled his nose to mine, and I breathed deeply of his sexy masculine scent. My heart fluttered in my chest. “I found that towel warmer in the same abandoned house where I got all those fleece pajamas for you. No idea what happened to the poor souls who used to live there, probably went and got themselves bit and turned into zombies, but what can I say, finders keepers.”

“Maybe they decided to leave Earth,” I suggested. “You never know. Right before the zombie outbreak, I heard a news story about the first successful colony on Mars celebrating their tenth anniversary of not dying. How cool would that be?” I grinned. “Do you think we’ll ever leave this planet, Daddy?”

He gave me an odd look, as though the idea of packing up and fleeing Earth was downright crazy to him. “I was born and raised in South Carolina, sweetheart, and that’s where I’m gonna stay. Even if our farm were to stop producing food, this bunker here will keep us going for nigh on fifty years, that’s how much non-perishables I got stocked away. Why would I want to leave when I have everything I need right here? Including my sweet babygirl.”

“Awww, Daddy, you’re so sweet.” I stood on my tiptoes, and his beard scratched my lips as I pressed a kiss to his cheek. “But it’s fun to think about, right? That maybe somewhere out there in the stars humans are living without fear of the Z-virus?”

“Even if we somehow made it to the Mars colony, I guarantee you they would keep us in quarantine for a good six months at the very least. You can barely stand two months in the bunker, sweetheart, so I doubt you’d appreciate being stuck in a small room for six whole months.”

He rubbed the towel over my body, drying me off, his movements slow and tender. My heart went pitter patter. I loved when he was gentle and sweet.

“I guess you’re right, Daddy. Well, maybe the news will finally start talking about the Mars colony again. I don’t get why they haven’t mentioned it in years. Before the apocalypse, it was all they talked about. A bit weird if you ask me.” While society had more or less collapsed, new governments occasionally sprang up, and sometimes they managed to resurrect old news stations and start broadcasting again. If you had a hand crank radio, or enough solar power to work an old television, you could sometimes catch the amateur broadcasts.

“I have a theory about that,” he said. “I think the Mars colony is thriving, but they don’t want anyone to know because they don’t want Earthers to start building spaceships and trying to reach Mars. They don’t want anyone who might be infected with the Z-virus to come close. So, they’re staying quiet about it. I also think the reason some of the most important world leaders have died or gone missing is because they’ve actually left this planet to go live on Mars.” His eyes danced with excitement.

“Daddy, are you sure? That sounds like another one of your wild conspiracy theories.” I giggled. Daddy held a lot of weird beliefs, including that thousand-year-old vampires lived in Canada and were secretly controlling world events. But hey, I freaking loved him so much I could look past his odd tendencies. Plus, he had a swag farmhouse and a sweet ass bunker, so who was I to complain?