Page 96 of Sharing the Nanny

“Only barely, yeah,” Preston agreed. “By the time we’d recovered Harper’s work and stripped out that asshole’s own machines, more than half of his stuff was already gone.”

“Wait,” I interjected. “What machines?”

“Those,” Preston pointed.

I turned my attention to the other end of the hotel suite. Lined up against the opposite wall was a whole array of strange computers, laptops, and other electronic equipment. I gasped, involuntarily.

“You mean…”

“We took everything he had,” said Preston. “Shut down his whole operation. Just look at all that stuff,” he pointed. “Some of those newer machines are cutting edge. Expensive as hell.”

I had my hand over my mouth. I couldn’t help it.

“Are those Bitcoin rigs?” I choked.

“Down at the end there, yeah. He had a whole mining operation going on,” explained Preston. “But not anymore.”

Open-ended wires stuck out in every direction, making the whole mess look a lot crazier than it actually was. But wow, it looked like Preston and Angel had taken everything. They’d left him with nothing, just like the Grinch’s storybook.

Not even a crumb too small for a mouse.

“I don’t think he even got to turn your machines on, much less figure out your passcodes and transfer your files onto his own computer,” said Preston. “But we figured, why risk it?”

“Yeah. Makes sense.”

“While his friends were running the yard sale, Angel and I went into the basement and physically tore out his fiber-optics, too. It’ll take days to fix. He even had a T-1 line down there as a backup, if you can believe it.”

“Had?” asked Adrian.

“Oh yeah,” Preston swore. “Very much had.”

Jax shook his head and scratched at his stubble. “I dunno… this sounds like some real savage geek shit.”

“Trust me. It is.”

“Well it’s not like he didn’t deserve it,” Adrian jumped in. “He stole Harper’s work. Betrayed her trust, and took everything she had. Now that we’ve done the same, I don’t feel the least bit bad for him. Do you?”

Preston shook his head solemnly. So did Jax.

“Nah,” Jax growled. “He messed with our girl.”

He reached out, slid an arm around me, and pulled me close. Holding my face in his hands, Jax gave me a slow, deep kiss that sent my already spinning head sailing through a universe of stars.

“And nobody fucks with our girl,” he growled sexily, into my mouth. His hand slid to my ass and squeezed hard. It felt amazingly possessive. “Nobody except us.”

More hands found my body. They slid down the outsides of my thighs, and up along my ribcage, and all the different places hands could go. I was kissing Preston, then Adrian, then Preston again. Jax undid my bra, straight through my shirt, while explosively kissing my neck. The familiar release of pressure felt wonderful, as another pair of hands slid up under my shirt to cup both breasts.

“You boys love me,” I breathed, matter-of-factly. “You know that, right? All three of you.”

They didn’t answer. They were too busy kissing me all over.

“Nobody would’ve done the things you’ve done for me, unless…” I sighed momentarily as a hand slipped past my waistband. “Unless—”

Fingers plunged downward, curling against my sex, causing me to jump and whimper in the middle of my sentence. I was so wet it was ridiculous. It happened so fast.

“You know how I feel,” Adrian murmured, his lips teasing the outer edge of my ear. “I’ve always loved you. Throughout all these years, I never stopped.”

I curled involuntarily into his hot breath. Gooseflesh exploded everywhere.