Page 59 of Sharing the Nanny

His arms were flexed, his eyes half-closed. I could tell he was getting dangerously close.

“The boots are part of my Harley Quinn cosplay,” I smiled up at him.

Preston’s head tilted curiously. I could feel his whole body stiffen.

“You should see the rest of the costume,” I teased. “Fishnets. Bustier. Push-up bra.” I shrugged, clawing at his tightly-coiled ass with my fingernails. “Maybe one day I’ll wear it for you.”

I glanced down to our physical connection, where his deeply-tanned skin contrasted sharply against my pale complexion. Hovering above me, Preston’s lips brushed gently against mine.

“You have a Harley Quinn costume?” he asked, incredulously.

I giggled and nodded.

“Marry me,” he whispered, as he flooded me with his seed.

~ 30 ~


“So his features are exactly the same as yours? Right down to the hardware?”

Harper shrugged one delicate shoulder as she poured raspberry syrup over the top of her pancakes. It cascaded down the stack in five different directions, pooling on the plate in a near perfect circle.

“I really can’t tell,” she admitted. “I mean, he mentions a lot of the same features I have. He talks about the tactile functions. He goes into the response times. But it’s always vague, and there are never any closeups. And there’s never any hard data to back it up.”

She looked bummed, and that bummed me out as well. Even the waitresses milling around us looked bummed, but then again we were at IHOP, so maybe they always looked that way.

“If you were the one putting out the YouTube video, would you show the data?”

Harper made a face. “Of course not. But I also wouldn’t be putting my tech out there for the world to see. At least not until I had a buyer, first.”

Her pretty face looked suddenly alarmed. Those eyebrows went up so quickly it broke my heart.

“Wait!” she cried fearfully. “Do you think he has a buyer already?”


“Why not?”

“Because if I were the one paying good money for that tech, I wouldn’t want it out there until it was all ready to market. There’d be an iron-clad, nondisclosure clause in the contract.”

Harper’s whole body slumped in relief. She began cutting into her pancakes.

“Look, I haven’t even seen the video yet,” I told her. “Let me look into it first, and I’ll tell you what I think.”

She smiled, and together we tore into our breakfast. It was early, but not that early. Jax left the motel for home sometime around daybreak. He’d already be riding an ambulance by now. That left the two of us lying in bed, with a few more hours still on the room. I was proud to say, we’d put it to very good use.

“Is it weird?” she asked suddenly.

Using my fork, I smeared the whipped cream of my Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity. As an adult, the dish was getting much harder to order with a straight face.

“Is what weird?”

“This,” Harper smiled sheepishly. “You know, just casually having breakfast together. After… well…”

“Double-teaming you all night in a cheap motel?”

She looked around conspiratorially, while shushing me with a finger against her lips.