Page 56 of Sharing the Nanny

The whole room tilted as the boys dropped heavily to the bed, one on either side of me. Their hands and mouths were everywhere at once.

“The hooker boots stay on, though.”

~ 27 ~


I should’ve been scared, to be honest. It should’ve been intimidating, being ravaged by two horny lovers who’d already had the pleasure of being inside me. It wasn’t though. Not even in the slightest.

And that’s because once I’d accepted what was about to happen, I realized I wanted it sooo much fucking more than they did.

Staring up at the motel room’s popcorn ceiling, I went with the flow. I ran my eager fingers through two heads of dark, luscious hair, while enjoying the hands and mouths and everything else that slid tantalizingly over every inch of my exposed skin. The boys sandwiched me from either side, pressing their firm bodies against mine. I felt their manhoods uncoil like snakes against the exposed skin of my hips and thighs, as they grew harder and more excited.

And it all felt so oddly fucking powerful.

I made out with them for a long, long time, lolling my head back and forth, enjoying the rising heat of our twisting bodies. Eventually they kissed their way down my chest, their movements so synchronized it was as if they were performing a routine. I had Jax on the left, Preston on the right. As my two pert nipples disappeared into two hot mouths, I bucked my hips into the pair of strong, eager hands competing between my legs.

Fuck yes.

My eyes crossed, and the popcorn ceiling spun away. It left me wondering just how many other girls had experienced something like this, right here, maybe on this very bed, staring up at the same shitty ceiling. How many different women had done something this dirty, this filthy, this perverted. This amazingly, wholly liberating, and totally fucking awesome.

Those thoughts faded just as quickly, as a pair of long fingers slipped inside me. They curled mischievously upward, into that thrilling, wonderful place that sent shockwaves of pleasure rippling through my body. I writhed so hard that my ass left the bed. A hand closed over my lower abdomen, seizing control, pushing me down again.

Holy fuck…

The boys were still feeding on my breasts as those fingers began plunging in and out of me. A second hand, independent of the first, began thumbing my swollen clit. It felt so good I could scream. And then I did scream, and a hand clapped itself authoritatively over my mouth.

I surrendered, rolling my fingers into their hair, squeezing their heads against my chest. There was nothing else I could do. Nowhere to go but to escape deep into my mind, where everything was so carnal, so sensuous, the excitement was building to off-the-chart levels that had my whole body trembling.

I was already close to climaxing when they flipped me over. Two powerful hands grabbed my hips, and another pair sifted through my hair. I was on my hands and knees as one of the boys fed himself to me, pushing straight past my lips and deep into the back of my throat. I sucked him eagerly, rolling my tongue beneath his hard shaft. Moaning and whimpering around his sizable thickness, as my second lover buried himself all the way inside me in a single, rapturous thrust.

My body was pinned between them, still wearing my hooker boots, stuffed happily from either side. It was a holy shit moment for everyone. I could tell, because none of us moved for a good three or four seconds of pure silence.

Then, slowly, they began pumping in and out of me.


It was even hotter than I’d ever imagined. Better than any one of my raunchiest, most secret fantasies. The feel of their bodies, the excitement of their thrusts — it was almost too much to take in all at once. I marveled at the sheer impact of what I was doing, and how unspeakably good it felt… as two of the hottest guys I knew continued spitroasting me from both ends.

It was crazy. Stupid. Amazing — all at the same time. Yet deep within the sex-soaked confusion that had become the whirlwind of my mind, there was only one thing I was absolutely sure of:

There was nothing on planet earth better than this.

~ 28 ~


It was insane really, how much she truly loved it. But had I expected any different? Had I really thought Harper would balk at the idea of sleeping with the two of us at once, especially when I was springing it on her like some dirty, midnight trick?

No, actually I hadn’t.

And that’s because somehow, in some way, I knew she’d be down for it.

Right now she wasn’t just going along with it, she was moaning and groaning and totally fucking absorbed. I gripped her hips with the same level of ferocity she was bucking back into me. I had only to glance down, to see myself disappearing inside her again and again…

But shit, half the time, I couldn’t help but watch her blowing Preston.

It turned me on like crazy, watching her with someone else. But the unexpected jealousy also felt like a hot knife, twisting away in my gut. It was strange, how my feelings for Harper were changing so rapidly. It was in the way she looked, the way she talked. The weird way she kissed me after following me into the bathroom back at the bar, with feeling and passion and actual emotion rather than just kissing me all angry and horny, eager to get her rocks off.