Page 82 of Sharing the Nanny

But first, we had to stop at my place.

“Emma thought the moon was following us the other night,” said Jax, with a gruff chuckle. “Jennifer and I took her out for ice cream, then stopped at a Starbucks drive-thru, and the whole time she kept staring at it through the car window.”

Just the visual of her chubby little face pressed up against the glass made me laugh. “So what’d you tell her?”

“Well, when we got home the moon was in the exact same place in the sky,” Jax reasoned. “I told her there’s no way it could’ve moved, so she must’ve seen the moon’s evil twin.”

“You’re such an asshole,” I smirked.

“Oh, he tells her stuff like that all the time,” Preston spoke up. “Last week he told her there were tiny people living in stoplights that turn them red and green.”

“You did not!”

“And that chocolate milk comes from brown cows,” Preston went on.

“I also heard him tell her that whenever she wasn’t around, her dolls threw parties without her,” Adrian added. “And they had milk and cookies and everything.”

His hands firmly on the wheel, Adrian looked back over his shoulder at his friend. “Sorry man, but that one’s kinda fucked up.”

“Yeah, well she’s gonna remember all this,” I poked him. “And she’s gonna kill you when she grows up.”

“That’s fine, because she’s never growing up,” Jax shot back. “I’m not giving her permission to get any bigger.”

He was dead serious of course, but that didn’t stop my smile. All three of my men had amazing fatherly instincts, but as a dad, Jax could be unintentionally adorable. He loved Emma so much it made my heart sing.

“Alright, here we are,” said Adrian, finally pulling up to my place. He winked at me. “Make it fast. My couch is waiting.”

“Don’t worry,” I assured him with a sly, promising grin. “This little pit stop will be well worth your while.”

Jax had already popped the passenger door, and in no time he was opening mine as well. I teased him with something about chivalry. He sneered and told me he was merely following me in to make sure I didn’t spend a half-hour in there doing ‘women’s stuff.’

“Whatever,” I rolled my eyes. “C’mon.”

I did need some women’s stuff, to be honest. There was makeup I needed, and a few other toiletries as well. I’d been using Adrian and Preston’s deodorant for the better part of a week now. I wanted a new toothbrush too.

But the real reason I’d stopped over, was because I’d promised the boys a night of ‘depravity and debauchery’. And this included dressing up like a dirty harlot, dancing provocatively before them, and then letting them have me in any way that they wanted.

I knew exactly the outfit I wanted too, constructed piecemeal from some of the more sexy cosplays I’d done over the years. I’d take the corset from little red riding hood, and the legwraps from Poison Ivy. I wanted the heels from Jessica Rabbit. The mask from when I was a flirty jester. I also had a Sailor Moon skirt that was too short for anything but the bedroom. I’d never worn it out because it barely came down past my asscheeks, but it was perfect for a scenario such as tonight.

Earlier in the week, I’d promised to dress all the way up, sit the boys on Adrian’s couch, and grind myself into their laps until all three of them were ready to go. I had an entire dance routine of sexy moves planned. A song by AC/DC, all picked out. The whole thing would be perfect. I’d have them rock-hard in no time flat.

And once my end of the bargain had been fulfilled, the boys promised to carry me into the bedroom and totally demolish me.

That one little word had me wet all week, just thinking about it. Their proposition was exciting. Scary. Totally fucking thrilling.

I couldn’t wait to take them up on it.

Somehow, Jax and I made it to my front door without slipping on ice, and I drew out my key. Buffalo was bitterly cold still, even with spring approaching. Something about the groundhog, and his shadow, and—

“What the…”

I couldn’t put my key into the door, because the doorknob was completely gone. Only a hole existed, where the knob used to be.


“Get behind me.”

It wasn’t like I really had a choice. I half-fell, was half-shoved backward as Jax shouldered the door. Without a lock it opened easily, and a moment later we were both inside.