Page 80 of Sharing the Nanny

Sophia’s mouth turned upward, but only in my defense. “So they’re using you.”

“No!” I cried quickly. “No, not at all.”

My friend appeared thoroughly confused. “You’re using them?”

“No,” I repeated again. “We’re all… sort of in a relationship together.”

I stopped.

“Wait, that sounds weirder than it actually is,” I explained. “I mean it’s still true, don’t get me wrong. But it’s not something we planned on. It just sort of… happened.”

“Happened,” Sophia repeated skeptically.


“You’re in a relationship with both of these guys — best friends, no less — and they’re totally okay with it.”


Sophia rubbed at her eyes with both hands. When I was still there, and hadn’t faded away like a mirage, she squinted back at me.

“How the fuck did you arrange that?”

“I didn’t,” I admitted. “Like I said, we just sort of—”

“I mean, what universe did these guys come from?” cried Sophia. “And how do I get there?”

“Only in a very special spaceship,” I quipped.

“And how do two different guys share the same girlfriend, anyway?” she asked. “Do they take odd and even days? Do they split the weekends? What the hell is the sex like?” She shook her head in disbelief. “Is there a sex schedule that’s independent of the rest of the schedule, or do they tag in and out like a wrestling team?” She paused to catch her breath. “So many questions!”

I let her spin herself out, like a spent yo-yo dangling helplessly from the end of its string. When she finally stopped moving, and talking, I looked her in the eyes.

“Are you done?”

Sophia merely shrugged and drained her wine again. “For now.”

I stared back at my friend, as I debated how much to actually reveal to her. Would she be shocked to know I’d spent the night with both those men, twice this week alone? Or that I’d shoved them down and taken my time riding each of them, side by side, until they’d both exploded inside me?

And my God, how could I even begin to tell her about Jax and Adrian, without mentioning Preston?

How could I explain to Sophia that I’d met a third man, every bit as gorgeous as the other two, who was absolutely perfect for me in every way? Would she understand how Preston and I held hands on an alien planet, flanked by comets and asteroids and untold galaxies, and that it was probably the most romantic moment of my life?

No. She really won’t.

I mean, how could Sophia possibly comprehend what it was like to kiss him there, as he stared into my eyes and told me he loved me?

Or that, not-so-deep down inside, I’d wanted to tell him the same thing?

“Well this sucks,” Sophia lamented, leaning back.

“What does?”

“First, running out of wine,” Sophia complained. “But even worse, you finally get a sex life that totally dwarfs mine, and you’re keeping all the juiciest details to yourself!”

I laughed again, but my laughter only deepened her frown. Sophia was a good friend, and one who historically kept her mouth shut. She kept secrets, and without passing judgment.

“What if I told you there’s two more bottles of wine on the way here, right now, even as we speak?” I asked with a grin.