Page 64 of Sharing the Nanny

I turned to look at him, and his smile was friendly. The question was valid.

“I just sort of, well…” I paused for a moment, searching my heart. Trying to find the most logical answer to such a complicated question.

“Well, Adrian and I always had a thing,” I said. “Unfinished business that eventually got finished.” I shrugged. “And Preston and I met randomly a year ago. It’s just dumb luck he happens to be your roommate.”

I was looking at Jax now, who was waiting patiently on his own answer.

“You and I…” I nodded toward him. “You know, we’ve always been frenemies.”

“Frenemies?” he chuckled.

“Yes,” I shot back. “Friends, but enemies. I’ve always fundamentally hated you, but at the same time, you were always around.” I shrugged. “You hang around a frenemy for too long and, well…”

“You fuck them?” offered Adrian.

I looked over and found him smiling at me over his beer. Strangely enough, he was enjoying this thoroughly.

“More like hate-fuck,” I answered truthfully. “But if you’re attracted to them, sure.”

“So you think I’m hot,” Jax said glibly, leaning back. His conceited grin took a victory lap of its own.

“Oh, it could’ve been the wine,” I said sardonically. “It could’ve been the uniform. It could’ve been I was horny and desperate, or it could’ve been nothing more than sheer curiosity.”

“My money’s on the wine,” Preston laughed.

“It was probably a combination of all four,” I shrugged. “Plus you being in the right place at the right time.”

Adrian coughed through another grin, causing Jax to ball up his napkin and throw it at him. I couldn’t believe how much of a kick he was getting out of this whole thing.

“Collectively, I haven’t seen you guys for years,” I finished up. “I’ve been lonely. Working like crazy. Honestly, I’m glad to be back in your lives again. The three of you mean a lot to me. Even this asshole.”

I jerked a thumb at Jax. He curled his lip.

“So yeah, I guess all my past inhibitions were gone this time around.” I finished by folding my arms. “But hey, no apologies on my end. In all three cases, I wanted it to happen.”

I looked down at my hands, which had begun to fidget.

“I guess the bigger question is, what happens now?”

The boys looked at me thoughtfully, each lost in his own thoughts. Jax was leaning back in his chair. Adrian ran to the fridge and came back with more drinks; this time, a round of waters. It made sense, considering two out of three of them were leaving for work soon.

“What happens now is actually up to you, Harper,” Adrian eventually said. “Whenever you’re ready, that is.”



“Whenever I’m ready?” I chuckled. “What the hell does that mean?”

“It means we’ve collectively decided to back off,” said Preston, matter-of-factly. “With all due respect, we’re going to give you some space.”

My eyes narrowed. “Space?”

“That’s right,” Adrian agreed. “Space to decide. It’s not fair to you if we’re all rushing you together, like some busy fraternity. This is about what you want. Or don’t want.” He shrugged. “That part’s up to you.”

I wasn’t sure I liked it, but I was slowly getting it.

“Soo… you want me to make a decision.”