Page 26 of Sharing the Nanny

The look in those smoldering blue eyes was fearsome and defiant. But there was also challenge in them, as her upper lip curled back in an almost-sneer.

“Last chance…”

Inching myself forward, I encountered something warm and wet and wonderful. My hand trembled as I reached down and gripped my thickness by the base. Ever so slowly, I began dragging just the tip through her slick, molten folds.

Good, sweet fuck.

Harper’s hungry eyes were still searching mine. They burned even brighter, even bluer.

And then all at once her body relaxed, sinking further into the bed. Those thighs parted wide, opening herself for me…

My sigh turned into a cry of rapture as I plunged into her.

~ 12 ~


My heart was racing, pounding, pumping me full of blood and adrenaline as Jax climbed between my legs. There should’ve been a hundred reasons why we should stop this. I had a thousand angry voices screaming in my head, brutally chastising me. They were calling me a hypocrite, a lunatic, a horny asshole…

But every last one of them gasped as he shoved himself home.


My eyes rolled back, and I knew instantly I’d made the right decision. I knew it in the way my thighs automatically parted, in the satisfying way my hips cracked. I knew it in the way my legs took on a mind of their own; wrapping themselves around his tightly-shredded flanks. My heels locked and began pulling him in. Driving him deeper and more fully inside me, with every successive stroke.

Mother of God, YES.

My whole body didn’t just tingle, it vibrated. My muscles were surging, twisting, pumping. My skin was on fire.

And through it all, we never broke eye contact.


I hated that it was happening, but I hated it even more that I was so fucking grateful for it. I needed this. I needed him. The sad truth was, I hadn’t been laid in forever. And I hadn’t been properly laid since… well, since…

Since Preston.

I shoved all other thoughts aside as Jax increased his speed and angle, pile-driving me deep into the bed. Forehead to forehead, eye to eye, I fucked him back. No words were said. An entire ocean of understanding passed silently between us, without a single word being uttered.

It was as if our bodies had finally taken things over, and they were doing all the talking now.

Slowly I relinquished personal control, letting go of the last of my resolve. Fine, we were fucking. So what? It didn’t mean jack shit in the grand scheme of things. In fact, it would be stupid of us not to fuck, especially tonight, especially now. At this point in the relationship, or friendship, or whatever the fuck it was, we had two choices, really: blow off some steam, or totally blow the fuck up.

Right now, with Jax and I pounding away at each other, it felt like both.

His hands were on either side of my face, supporting his bulk, giving him leverage. That left my own hands to roam his shoulders, his arms, his upper body. I raked my nails down the sides of his tremendous biceps and triceps, wondering if I’d leave marks, smirking at him the whole time. Happily knowing, in my heart of hearts, that he was powerless to stop a single thing.

The headboard cracked hard against the wall. The breath was driven from my lungs. Jax was hate-fucking me now, eliciting gasps and whimpers I could no longer hold back. In sweet retribution I squeezed his arms even tighter, driving my nails in. Not even caring what he did to me, or what even came next.

I… I’m gonna..

My orgasm ripped through me like a bomb, rolling up so quickly and unexpectedly I didn’t even have time to react. There was no holding back. No denying the pleasure he was giving me as, for the first time since we’d started, I was forced to look away.


My mouth opened in a silent ‘O’ as I screwed my eyes shut and climaxed all over Jax Ripley’s thick, unmercifully thrusting shaft. I couldn’t hide it, or keep anything that powerful to myself. I could only grip him tightly, and grind harder against him. I dug my heels into his flanks like that of a horse, surging happily through my climax, riding the guilty waves of pleasure he delivered with such expertly-tailored thrusts.

I came to groggily, my body still rocking forward and back as Jax continued digging me out. If he was hate-fucking me, it was certainly working. I hated that I came first. I almost hated that I came at all. I hated that I even cared what he thought of this whole sordid event, or how he might use this night to lord power over me in the future. We were lovers now, and we couldn’t go back. For the rest of our lives, whenever we looked into each other’s eyes? We’d always remember… we totally, totally fucked.