Page 13 of Sharing the Nanny

Harper waited until I looked back at her again. When I did, her return gaze was deep with understanding.

“What exactly happened?”

“Honestly?” I asked. “I’m not even sure. I thought having a baby would bring out some maternal instincts, but she became like a whole different person. Erika went from mad to worse, blaming me for anything and everything that ever went wrong, no matter how big or small. It was like she hated me for putting the baby inside her.”

“So… demon queen mode,” she smiled.

“Yes.” I couldn’t help but laugh. “Turns out Jax was right all along.”

“We were all right,” she pointed out. “Not trying to rub your nose in it, but…”

“I know, I know,” I conceded. “And trust me, you were. Even so, I tried to make the best of it. I turned my focus on our son for a while, thinking this pure new love could fill the hole in my heart. But then Erika did something I couldn’t abide by. Something I couldn’t possibly ignore.”

Harper stiffened, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“She cheated.”

My best friend growing up frowned, then bit her lip. “Bitch,” she swore.


“Demon bitch.”

“Something like that.” I let up a shrug. “At that point it was a relief, really. A blessing in disguise. While Erika was busy falling for her next potential victim, I took everything and moved right the fuck out. With the help of a mediator we worked out shared parental custody of Brayden.”

“And what’s that like?”

“Not terrible,” I conceded. “Erika’s been unreasonably flexible with my schedule, I have to admit. Probably because any time her new boyfriend takes her away she’s eager to pawn him off on me.” I smiled in the direction of the hallway. “Of course, I’m always thrilled for any extra time I get with him.”

“Yeah, well he’s absolutely adorable,” Harper grinned. “Soo…”

She took a slow, deep sip of her wine. I had to wonder if she caught me staring as it slid down her pretty throat.

“Jax makes an amazing uncle, by the way,” I added slyly, just to gauge her reaction. “Not to mention, he’s also a pretty great da—”

Three sharp raps turned us both in the direction of the door. Harper looked at me curiously.

“You expecting another long lost friend tonight?”

“Not that I know of, no.”

I stood up halfway to get the door, but I didn’t need to. It opened all on its own, and my friend barged in wearing his EMT uniform.

“Hey man, listen,” said Jax. As usual he was halfway into the living room, while already mid-sentence. “I almost forget to tell you, I ran into—”

Upon seeing Harper he stopped dead in his tracks. Staring down at the couch, he looked like he’d seen a ghost.

“You’re kidding, right!?” he demanded of the both of us. “Tell me you’re kidding? Tell me I’m dreaming!”

“Not kidding,” I chuckled. “Not dreaming.”

Both hands went to his head, which he was already shaking back and forth. His expression was abject misery.

“Awww, fuck.”

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