He knew most of the crucial factors, and he certainly planned to read it thoroughly within a week or two. He didn’t expect Blaine to know anything about it, but being the intrusive person Killian knew him to be, he couldn’t exactly put it past him.
“No, I haven’t.”
“Well,ifyou have it in your files somewhere, I suggest you turn to page six, down to the ninth section, and read the second paragraph.” He shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal but smiled more when Killian pulled it up on his computer.
“If deemed necessary, when traveling overseas or experiencing unanticipated events, the employer has the authority to require the employee to reside in his residence until further notice is brought to attention by the employer. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions will result in possible termination, decrease in pay, etc…..”Killian trailed off as he read the rest of the paragraph silently.
He looked back at Blaine and hid his sinister smile as Brielle walked back into the office and set the coffee on the desk. Keeping eye contact with Blaine, he gave a small ‘thank you, darling,’ and she returned to her corner. He turned to the computer and chuckled dryly as he sent the contract to the printer.
“Blaine.. You, my friend, are an idiot genius.”
Brielle sighed as she continued to comb through Delilah’s curly messy hair. She had just given her a bath and washed her hair with their favorite lavender shampoo, conditioner, and body wash set. After running leave-in through Delilah’s hair, she parted her hair and made two French braids.
Once she’d finished, Delilah smiled brightly at Brielle. “Thank you, Bribri!”
She smiled. “You’re welcome, baby.” Kissing her forehead, Brielle stood up and walked to the bathroom.
“Mr. Burkley might call while I’m in the shower. If he does, just tell him I’ll call him later.”
“Got it!” Her little voice yelled back, and Brielle laughed. Sometimes, she forgets that her sweet little four-year-old is actually still four. Because she’s so smart and well-behaved, Brielle mistakes her for a much older child. Getting undressed, she stepped into the shower.
As she washed her hair, she started to think about today’s workday. She only had time to wash her and Delilah’s hair because Killian let her go home earlier than usual. After he met with Blaine yesterday, she noticed that he was starting to act strange. Not in a horribly wrong way. He was just beingstrange… she thought to herself.. almost as if he was hiding something.
Meanwhile, Delilah was sitting on the couch as she watched the TV. She was waiting for Brielle to get out of the shower so she could start on dinner. She was happy she’d get to spend the afternoon with Brielle, though she was slowly growing accustomed to her not being home as often.
After Brielle finished, she threw on some underwear and a comfy gray romper. She walked back to the bathroom and started combing through her long hair, deciding to do two French braids as well.
In the living room, Delilah looked over her shoulder and saw Brielle’s phone buzzing. She grabbed it with her tiny hands and tilted her head as it didn’t have the name Burky and his silly picture. Instead, it started with a K instead of a B. She picked it up and held it to her ear.
“This is Bribri’s phone,”she spoke, and gasped when she heard a response.
“KILLY!”She said happily, bouncing up and down on the couch. He chuckled as he heard how excited she was.
“How are you, sweetheart?”
“Good. Bribri’s doing her hair right now.”
“Oh. Well, that’s too bad.. I wanted to have a talk with her.”
“Y-you did?” She asked as her face dropped slightly.
“Yes, but if she’s busy, I’ll call her later.”
Delilah pouted as she thought in her head.‘Come on, Dede! Burky and Madam A prepared you for this! Gotta play… um, what’s the word? OH! Matchmaker!’
“Well… We haven’t really had dinner and…. it’s not bedtime yet. You could talk to her over dinner.. at your house,”Killian chuckled as he heard her speak through the phone. In all reality, what Killian wanted to talk to Brielle about could be discussed over the phone, but talking over dinner and at his place would be even better.
“Delilah, you are quite the cheeky little girl.”She giggled but secretly crossed her fingers so he would come.
“Alright, let Bribri know I’ll be over in ten.″Delilah fist-bumped the air as her plan worked.She couldn’t wait to tell Mr. Burkley.
“Okay! See you then.”She hung up and put the phone on the table. Brielle walked in with her hair freshly done and entered the kitchen.
“Did Burky tell you why he called?” She questioned as she could faintly hear Delilah talking to someone through the door.
“No, it was Killy. He wanted to talk to you about something, and I told him to pick us up for dinner.” Brielle laughed as she grabbed a bottle of water.