“You know I could feel slightly jealous towards your relationship with Delilah, but there’s no need for me to feel that way.” Killian began, and Blaine rolled his eyes. “And why is that Kiki?”
Killian shrugged. “Watch.” He approached the two of them and tapped on Delilah’s shoulder to gain her attention. She looked over at him and gasped. She threw herself over to him, and he caught her as she screamed.
Blaine shook his head. “Outrageous.. You can’t let me have one thing, can you?”
“No, it’s more of a pleasure to share or take what you have, as you already do the same with me.” Killian shrugged, and Benjamin walked into the room. He made eye contact with Delilah, and she moved in Killian’s arms, wanting to be let down. She walked over to Benjamin in a poised manner, and the three of them shook their heads.
“I’m sure she only walked over to you like that because you make her food daily.” Blaine chuckled, and Benjamin nodded.
“Why, that’s the exact reason she walked over to me. Ms. Newman, I could use your assistance. We should leave these gentlemen to their work.” He said as Killian sent him a look to clear the room. Brielle nodded and walked over as they were already exiting.
“We’ll see you a bit later.” She said, and Killian grabbed her arm softly.
“Are you alright?” He asked, and Brielle nodded as she gave him a small smile.
“I am.. thanks for asking..” Killian gave her a quick wink, and she rolled her eyes and stepped out of the room.
“I saw that you sly fox.”
Killian turned to Blaine, who raised his eyebrows twice. “Saw what exactly?” he asked, and Blaine shrugged as he sat back at the counter.
“Oh, nothing.. Must’ve just been something in your eye then.”
“You know she’s been acting very distant towards me.. all morning,” Killian admitted, and Blaine responded.
“She’s going through some things, Killian. She saw her sister yesterday. The woman who could possibly ruin her life. Not everyone is as emotionless as you are.” Killian ignored him and stepped over to the counter. Blaine opened his laptop once again, and Killian glanced at the screen.
“Show me what you’ve gotten in the past few days.” He asked, and Blaine quickly pulled up the file, which was entitledEugene.
“Well, that’s not discreet at all now, is it,” Killian muttered, and Blaine rolled his eyes as he pulled up the first piece of evidence.
“This holds the footage from every camera that has caught him for the last three months.”
Killian tilted his head. “Oh, you got back to three months. I’m impressed.”
“Well, when your best friend is a.. scary, smart, and stubborn billionaire, you can do and get a bit more than the average person,” Blaine remarked as he somewhat described himself as well.
“What’s the connection between all of these?” Killian questioned as the videos seemed to be in the same areas.
“Every day, he walks by your building, goes into a coffee shop, and does other things during the day involving following Brielle.” Blaine pulled up nine videos simultaneously showing the same event happening each day, then continued. “But the only day he doesn’t do any of this much is Sunday afternoons strictly after 2:37 PM.”
“Why so specific?” Killian asked, and Blaine shushed him.
“I’m getting to that.” He pulled up a video from last Sunday on a busy street and paused it.
“Take a good look at this clip and tell me what you see.” Killian examined the clip quickly and stopped when his eyes landed on Eugene… without a disguise.
“Where’s that godawful hoodie he’s always in,” Killian muttered, and Blaine responded. “He’s blending in with the crowd. He’s still watching out for Brielle, but she’s hardly ever in this area on Sunday, and he just so happens to roam free in a place where he will most likely not see her.”
“Could there possibly be another reason why he’d be in this area so exposed?”
“That’s where the time 2:37 comes into play. In every single video, he’s never spotted before. He’s always on time to blend in with the crowd and escape.” Blaine explained, pulling up more videos.
“He could be doing something prior to all of this—something that he can’t miss and is always on time with. What do you suggest we do with this information?” Killian asked, and Blaine let out a laugh.
“It’s not whatwe’regoing to do. It’s whatyou’regoing to do.”