The blue dragon and his mate had reached the door, hand in hand. “I am.” And then he exited and the door slammed closed behind him.

Lucas’s gorilla had to be fifteen feet tall when he stood on his hind legs to beat his chest like this! Jenna stared at him with a mixture of horror and awe as he lowered to all fours and charged the scarred, chocolate-brown grizzly.

Gunner pushed off of his powerful back end and caught the gorilla’s charge full-force. The impact sent a wave of pressure through the room that knocked them all backward into the table. Jenna cried out as a massive boulder fell from the ceiling. Kru gripped her around the waist and threw her and Cadence backward, then fell to his knees and braced his arm over his head. The boulder fell directly onto him, but cracked down the middle and fell in two massive stones on either side of him.

“What the hell?” Jenna murmured from where she had come to a skidding stop on her hands and knees.

“Lucia, get out!” Kru yelled as the fight raged over toward her side of the room.

Lucia was pulling as hard as she could on the handle of the door. “Clara!” she screamed, beating her fist against the door. “Take the magic off! Let us out!”

“Lucia, move or Change!” Jenna screamed as the battle careened for her. “Move or Change!”

Lucia flashed a bright-green glance over her shoulder, and her eyes widened as she released the door. She disappeared behind the roaring, warring grizzly and silverback.

Shit, she was frozen.

Jenna closed her eyes and let the falcon have her skin, struggled out of the neck of her shirt and kicked up into the air. She dove for Gunner, who was about to crush Lucia. She wasn’t going to make it!

Something tan blurred from the side and hit Lucia, and she went flying. A bloodcurdling scream escaped her throat as she sailed through the air.


Why wasn’t she Changing?

Just as she was about to hit the ground, a white tiger leapt through the air and caught her in her powerful arms, twisted in the air, and landed hard on her back, cradling Lucia. Cadence!

And the tan blur was…was…

Holy. Shit.

A monstrous animal roared and pushed the fight away from where he was pinned on the wall with massive paws and powerful arms.

Jenna landed beside Lucia and Cadence, and gawked as the animal slunk toward them.

It looked like a lion, but with no mane. Down its legs were tiger stripes, but the rest of its coat was solid brown. Two-foot-long canines curved down the front of its face, and Kru’s ears were pinned back, his eyes on fire as he stalked toward them.

“That’s a saber-toothed tiger,” Lucia whispered.

“We should move,” Cadence growled in that animal voice of her tiger.

“That’s a saber-toothed tiger!” Lucia said louder.

“He doesn’t have control of the animal!” Cadence snarled.

She kicked Lucia off of her and caught Kru’s pounce full-force in the chest, and the tiger battle went savage. Kru’s saber-toothed tiger was twice the size of Cadence’s white tiger!

Lucia was frozen, eyes wide, panicked.

Change! Why wasn’t she Changing?!

Jenna lifted into the air far enough to wrap her talons around Lucia’s upper arms and dragged her backward across the cracked marble tiles. She could feel her sharp talons digging into the woman’s skin, but there wasn’t any help for it.

The silverback slammed the grizzly against the wall, and more rocks began falling like rain around them. They were going to bring the entire damn mansion down!

Something was wrong with Lucia’s bear. Right now, Jenna couldn’t even smell the fur on her. Lucia might as well be a human in a shifter fight!

Beating her wings as hard as she could, Jenna half-flew, half-dragged Lucia across the floor to the other side of the room, and then she flapped her wings as hard as she could and dragged Lucia up and up, up to the exposed rafters that helped to hold the ceiling in place. Lucia seemed to understand what she was doing. She reached for the rafter and pulled herself up, draped her body over the exposed beam. “Get Cadence out of there!”