Okay, she had done it after he destroyed Jenna’s dream-nest. “Can you see people’s dreams?” he asked, creeped out.

“I see nothing,” Lucia said with a shrug. “Or maybe I’ve seen your death.”

“Lucia, enough,” Damon murmured.

“Spoiler alert, you choke on a cheese cracker,” Lucia said.

“Oh my God, this is awesome,” Kru said. “Do me next.”

Lucia twitched her chin toward Gunner. “So far I’ve got that one killing most of you. I survive, of course.”

“Whoa,” Cadence said. “Are you being serious?”

“Probably not, but maybe so,” Lucia said.

“Um, I’m concerned that she’s actually accurate with that,” Kru murmured.

“He won’t hurt any of you,” Lucas gritted out.

Gunner had been glaring him down this entire time, and now a small smile ghosted his lips. “Who will stop me?”

“You fucking know who. Damon, clearly you can see he doesn’t belong in any Crew. You can feel him. You can smell him. He’s sick, and not the kind that goes away. It’s a bad idea to put him in charge of this Crew!”

“Then you do it,” the dragon said simply.

“This isn’t my life!”

“It always was!” Damon barked out, standing.

“I changed that!” Lucas yelled, pounding his fist against his chest. “Cadence changed that! Gunner changed that!”

“I didn’t do anything,” Cadence said, her voice pitched up with anger.

“You didn’t?” Lucas blurted. “Seriously?”

“You broke up with me!”

“I freed you! And before I even had time to figure myself out or try and fix anything, you went to Gunner! You threw yourself at my friend!”

“I was hurt, Lucas!” Cadence yelled. “I was young and I was hurt! He wasn’t just your friend! He was mine, too!”

“So you fucked him?”

“I made a bad decision! I…” Cadence’s eyes filled with emotion.

“Say it. Might as well,” Lucas uttered.

“I wanted to hurt you back.”

There it was. Now they were being honest.

“You know the most fucked-up part of all that?” came a demonic voice from across the room—Gunner. “I didn’t want to hurt either of you.”

“Then why?” Lucas asked. “Why did you immediately go for the girl I had told you I wanted a life with? I had called her my mate. Why did you go for her? Just to shit on me?” he yelled.

“Because I wanted her!” Gunner bellowed, pushing off the wall. “Your animal didn’t choose her! Mine did!”
