
Kru had been wrong. It wasn’t most of the Crew that Damon had gathered here.

He’d gathered all of them.

Gunner’s eyes swayed back and forth slowly, as if he was walking, but he never got any closer. He was just standing there, shifting his weight from side to side.

She’d known Gunner all her life. Over the years, as he’d slowly lost control, she’d learned much about the new him. One of those things was that he only recognized her sometimes. She could tell from his empty glare that now was not one of those times. She dropped her gaze.

“Head in there,” Mason said softly, his gaze on the bear down the hall. He gestured to the right. “Whatever happens tonight, you are not to interfere. None of you are.”

Kru’s frown was on the Beast Boar as he waited for Jenna and Cadence to head into the cavernous room Mason had gestured to. He kept himself between Gunner and the women.

Kru was many things, but she had learned he was protective under all that bravado and joking.

As they made their way through a sprawling great room with an enormous picture window, moose-antler chandeliers, and a stone hearth that stretched all the way up to the thirty foot ceiling, she saw someone sitting by the fireplace with their back to them.

As the woman stood and faced them, Jenna’s heart rate kicked up to a gallop.

On either side of Jenna, Cadence and Kru came to an abrupt halt.

Oh, they all knew who she was.

Lucia Novak, middle daughter of Beaston and Aviana Novak, and the only female offspring to have inherited the sight.

“Hello, Warlanders.”

It was Kru who spoke up. “We don’t have a name for our Crew yet.”

“You will,” Lucia said in that robotic voice Jenna remembered from their childhoods.

“Let me guess. Warlanders?” Kru asked. “Makes no sense. We aren’t at war with anyone.”

“Aren’t you at war?” Lucia asked. Her face didn’t even twitch as she asked that question. Her eyebrows didn’t move, her lips didn’t curve up in a smile. Her bright-green eyes slid to Jenna and held. “Do you know why you are here?”

She couldn’t hold Lucia’s gaze, so she dropped her own to the polished marble floor. “N-no.”

“You are bait—”

“Lucia,” a powerful voice reprimanded her, echoing through the great room. It was Damon’s voice.

Lucia turned her beautiful face to the side as if she was listening to something, then nodded. “Follow me,” she told the three of them. Then she turned and strode into a hallway, disappearing into the shadows.

“We should leave,” Cadence warned low. “I don’t like any of this.”

“You don’t like it? I just got called bait by Lucia Novak.”

“Why does everyone say her last name like that?” Kru grumbled, shoving past them to follow Lucia. “She’s just a person.”

Cadence’s blonde brows arched high and she turned to Jenna. Because she’s a motherfuckin’ Novak, she mouthed. Do you want to leave?

Jenna turned to look back at the escape route, but Gunner was standing there, leaned against the doorframe in his human form, looking like he’d put on ten pounds of muscle since the last time she’d seen him. His gaze was completely empty.

Who was the bigger bear? Lucia or Gunner?

A redheaded woman walked past Gunner and smiled at Jenna.

Clara. Clara was the bigger bear.