Jenna wanted to cry.

The falcon didn’t understand human emotion and never had, but in her heart, the human in her wanted to cry. She hadn’t meant to do that. She hadn’t meant to attack anyone, but her mind had just snapped.

I have to go. She didn’t know how to tell Cadence that, but she had to go. It was all too much and she didn’t know what to think or how to feel, but everything was so big right now. So overwhelming.

“He’ll be fine.” She didn’t understand Cadence’s smile, but the humans were clapping and whistling and cheering, and a winner was being named.

She didn’t care.

She didn’t care.

She, Jenna Brown, didn’t care.

If she could cry in this form, she would’ve, but instead, she took flight.

A man had made her Change just by being in some kind of danger, and that wasn’t her. What the hell had she been thinking!

She leapt up into the air and pumped her wings, lifted up on the current, and forced herself not to look back. She couldn’t see disappointment on Cadence’s face right now. She couldn’t.

She took to the treetops and then beyond, rose higher and higher, as high as she dared, and closed her eyes as she hit the clouds. Mortification took her. She’d Changed and been her falcon in front of all of those people, and had been put in her place by none other than Aviana Novak, mate of Beaston. And why? Why had she done any of that? It made no damn sense.

She was so embarrassed.

She opened her eyes and took three steadying breaths, just trying to feel like she could get through this awful moment.

Jenna didn’t like any attention. Invisibility had been her comfort, and what had she done tonight?

God, you’re a loser, she whispered to herself in her mind.

Lucas would leave soon. Perhaps that was for the best, because she’d never lost her damn mind like this, and it wasn’t a good sign.

She was just a falcon.

What could a girl like her possibly do?

Chapter Eight

“Where is she?” Lucas scanned the barn, but he didn’t see Jenna.

“She’s taking a breather,” Nox murmured.

“A breather where?” he demanded, dodging a trio of humans wanting his autograph.

Nox pointed to the ceiling. “She’s in flight, brother-man.”

A rumble escaped him and he ducked out of range of Nox clapping him on the shoulder. He winced because hell, his entire body hurt.

He glanced at Torren, who stood next to his mate. Candace had made it for his fight. She was stroking his dark hair out of his face, and talking to him low. Torren was entranced with her, and Lucas couldn’t look away from the softness in Torren’s eyes. He and Candace were so tender in the way they looked at each other. Fuck, deep down, he wished for something like that, even for a few moments.

When she cupped her mate’s face and looked over at Lucas, he was worried that she would hate him, but she didn’t. Instead, she smiled ever so slightly and nodded her head in respect.

He didn’t understand the dynamics here, so he nodded to her and ducked out the side door as quickly as he could.

His eyes went immediately to the sky, but Jenna wasn’t there.

“She’ll go back to her nest eventually,” a voice said from the shadows. Cadence.

He turned and there she was—his ex. She held her arms around her waist, and her shirt was stained dark. The scent of iron filled the air. Cadence was hurt.