“Total mess. If you go for this one, he’s going to keep you on your toes.”

“I shouldn’t go for him.”

“Disagree,” Cadence said, standing. “That man will burn himself out until something blocks his path and teaches him a different way. That wasn’t my destiny, nor would I be any good at it, but you? You feel big. You have patience because of that personality you talk about like a curse. Sometimes I think a person is built the way they’re built because it will match another person who is also built different.”

“It was just a kiss,” Jenna said softly, eyes on the ground.

“If it was just a kiss, there wouldn’t be tears. Can I ask you something? As your new friend? And we are friends, we are going to work at this. We are going to bond if I have to force you to spend time with me.”

Jenna laughed thickly and asked, “What is your question.”

“Do you want to do a girls’ night with me?”


“Now. We’re going to the fight barn to throw back a couple beers and watch a couple silverbacks fight as the finale. Maybe we’ll make a couple bets on them, who knows where the night will lead? We are going to walk to our trailers together, and dress in some titty-shirts. Maybe we’ll meet up with some cute boys at the end of the night, or maybe not, but either way, we’re in it together. Sound like a plan?”

Jenna couldn’t help her smile. Cadence probably didn’t know how big this was to her, but she had dreamed about nights like this. “Sounds like a plan.”

Chapter Seven

“Are we meeting some of your friends here?” Jenna asked as they poured out of Cadence’s Bronco.

“Nope, it’s me and you tonight, girl. Saddle up.”

“Oh. I see Darah over at the entrance,” she said, pointing to the ticket booth out front.

Cadence pursed her lips and blinked her heavily made-up eyes to squint at Darah. Tonight, they had glued false eyelashes to their eyelids and they were both blinking a lot. “That’s coincidence. Let’s make a pact.”


“We stick together like glue, unless you give me the signal that you need time with a certain hard-headed man.”

“What signal?”

She shoved her finger into a hole she made in the other hand, and Jenna’s cheeks turned bright red. “Look, we ended things really awkwardly. I doubt he will even notice I’m here. Let’s just focus on girl-fun.”

“Girl-fun!” Cadence sang as she pried a twenty-dollar bill out of a black cross-body purse she’d picked to go with her outfit.

Right, they only took cash here. God, it had been so long since she had been to the fight barn. She pulled her wallet out of the tiny black leather purse she had slung across her chest. Honestly, she’d just picked this one because Cadence assured her it looked hot with her burgundy tank top, ripped-up black skinny jeans, and heeled ankle boots. “Can you see my nipples?” she asked softly, just before they got to the ticket counter.

“No, not even a little bit, but if they pop out tonight, don’t freak out. Just look around and announce, ‘You’re welcome,’ okay?”

“You’re welcome. Right.” Maybe she should go back and grab the oversized hoodie she had thrown in the back of Cadence’s Bronco.

“Chest out, chin up, nipples barely contained, Jenna. We aren’t fuckin’ around tonight.”

She snorted as the ticket-taker gave them a weird look. Inside, the fights were already going with the preliminaries. They recognized a few people from Damon’s Mountains, but Cadence stuck to her word and stayed right with Jenna. As they got matching beers, and matching VIP lanyards so they could sit closer to the fights, she settled into the safety of having someone with her. She scanned the place constantly, and admittedly, she was looking for any sign of Lucas. Cadence seemed to be looking for people too, but when she pointed to the other side of the barn, it was Nox she was waving to. He gestured for them to come over his way, so Cadence led the way through the crowd, weaving this way and that to get to him.

“Duuuude,” he said as they reached him. “You fucked him up!”

“Who?” Cadence demanded.

“That one!” he pointed right at Jenna.


“Hell yeah, it’s awesome. Lucas can’t even be in here while the preliminaries are going on. He wants to fight everyone. They booted him outside.” The excitement was humming right off of Nox.