Lucas turned and faced her full-on, and all the humor left his face. “Kru’s good. You are the one with the problem here. You’re attracting attention. Play or go. Pick one.”

Cadence just stood there, her mouth opening and closing like a landed fish.

“I need to go to the bathroom!” Jenna announced.

Kru scrunched up his face. “Congratulations?”

She cleared her throat. God, how did she do this. “Girl code,” she announced.

Cadence still looked confused.

Jenna pursed her lips. “Cadence, would you like to accompany me to the bathroom. Like girls do? In a flock?”

“Two doesn’t a flock make,” Kru pointed out.

“Shut up,” Cadence grumbled as she followed Jenna toward the bathroom.

“Can you grab another round on the way back from your twin pee-pees?” Kru asked. “I’ve got a tab open, just put it on mine.”

Cadence threw up two middle fingers over her shoulders, but she did follow Jenna all the way to the bathroom.

“Hey,” she said softly, checking underneath the stalls to make sure they were alone. “Whatever the deal is with you and Kru, he’s good.”

“Is he?” Cadence asked blandly.

“I don’t know. He seemed a little upset earlier, but he’s been his normal trash-talking, semi-annoying self for a while now. Are you guys…”

“Are we what?”

“Are you…you know…banging?”

“Banging?” Cadence asked, enunciating the word slowly. “Hell no. That man drives me bonkers.”

“Then why are you so upset with him not picking up your calls?”

Cadence inhaled deeply, lifting her shoulders with the gesture, and rested back against the wall, then leaned her head back. There were lots of germs on bathroom walls, but Jenna tried really hard not to point it out. “Today is a rough day for him. I was wanting him to fall apart at the trailer park, not out here in public with the humans.”

“Ooooh. What kind of bad day?”

“It’s an anniversary of sorts. Anyway, if you say he’s okay, maybe it’s good you two reached him before I did.” She chewed her lip and crossed her arms. “Did he call you to come here?”

“Nope. We just saw him walking by.”

Cadence frowned. “Wait, are you and Lucas on a date?”

“Kind of? We’re calling it a friend-date on account of him leaving soon.”

“Oh shit.”


“Uuuuh, pretty sure the ex showing up on your first date isn’t supposed to happen. Sorry. I didn’t know you were here. I was just coming to murder Kru.”

“Oh, didn’t even think about that. You can hang out with us if you want. If you don’t think it’s weird. We actually need one more person for even teams. We can try to kick the boys’ asses. I mean, if you want. No pressure. You’re probably busy.”

Cadence had built up a slow smile while she’d been blabbering on. “Are you asking me on a friend-date, too?”

Jenna shrugged. “I mean, it’s not every day we all stumble into the same axe-throwing bar.”